 Translation for 'revue' from English to Russian
NOUN   a revue | revues
SYNO review | revue
ревю {с} [нескл.]
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Translation for 'revue' from English to Russian

ревю {с} [нескл.]муз.театр
Usage Examples English
  • The "Billy Barnes Revue" is a 1959 musical comedy revue with music and lyrics by Billy Barnes and sketches by Bob Rodgers.
  • The revue followed a 1985 Broadway revue of Herman's work, titled "Jerry's Girls".
  • In 2002, she appeared in her one-woman revue "Try to Remember: A Look Back at Off-Broadway" at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in New York City on Saturday evenings.
  • Shibuki is a former member of Takarazuka Revue, where she played Otokoyaku. She joined the revue in 1986 and resigned in 2003.
  • New College students stage a play or musical and a revue on campus each year. The New College Revue is the longest-running annual revue on campus at UNSW.

  • André Lebon also contributed to the "Revue politique et parlementaire" and the "Nouvelle revue".
  • The original 2013 Off-Broadway was a combination of "clowning revue-with-music". "Old Hats" won the 2013 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revue.
  • Back in England he appeared in the first Gate Revue, then followed this with another revue, "Let's Face It" and a pantomime, "Who's Taking Liberty".
  • The "Revue politique et littéraire", commonly known as the "Revue bleue", was a French centre-left political magazine published from 1871 to 1939.
  • In the past, the Warehouse presented a musical revue every year.

  • An important social event is the DIKU revue which is held each year in June.
  • In 2014 Woxlin will direct and star in Anders Nohrstedts new revue Lite råare 2 - gnälliga människor undanbedes.
  • The town is home for the Hjørring Revue ("Hjørring revyen"), a summer revue that has been a part of Hjørring's entertainment life since the 1920s and one more revue, the Lundergaard Revue ("Lundergaard Revyen").
  • She contributed to several journals: "L'ermitage", [...] "L'hémicycle", "La revue blanche", "La revue" and "Le gaulois".
  • Arvid Nilssen (25 December 1913 – 24 March 1976) was a Norwegian actor, revue artist and singer. He was regarded as one of the leading comedians in Norwegian revue.

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