 Translation for 'rhenium' from English to Russian
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NOUN   rhenium | -
SYNO atomic number 75 | Re | rhenium
рений {м} <Re>
rhenium <Re>
гептафторид {м} рения [ReF7]
rhenium heptafluoride
бромид {м} рения(III) [ReBr3, Re3Br9]
rhenium(III) bromide
хлорид {м} рения(III) [ReCl3, Re3Cl9]
rhenium(III) chloride
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Usage Examples English
  • Oxotrichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)rhenium(V) is the chemical compound with the formula ReOCl3(PPh3)2.
  • Bromopentacarbonylrhenium(I) is an inorganic compound of rhenium, commonly used for the syntheses of other rhenium complexes.
  • Rheniite is one of the first minerals of the element rhenium to be found.
  • Tarkianite is a rhenium sulfide mineral. Its type locality is the Hitura Nickel Mine in Nivala, Finland. It was approved as the first rhenium mineral in 2003 and formally described in 2004.
  • ReCl4 can be prepared by comproportionation of rhenium(V) chloride and rhenium(III) chloride. It can also be produced by reduction of rhenium(V) chloride with antimony trichloride.

  • The element rhenium is always present in molybdenite as a substitute for molybdenum, usually in the parts per million (ppm) range, but often up to 1–2%.
  • Rhenium hexafluoride is made by combining rhenium heptafluoride with additional rhenium metal at 300 °C in a pressure vessel.
  • Rhenium(VII) oxide is formed when metallic rhenium or its oxides or sulfides are oxidized at [...] in air.
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