Translation for '
saint' from English to Russian
NOUN1 | a saint | saints | |
NOUN2 | Saint | Saints | |
VERB | to saint | sainted | sainted sainting | saints | |
SYNO | angel | apotheosis | holy man | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The sepulcher identified as the saint's burial place may have been a tomb of pagan origins.
- Saint Curcodomus (died ca. 680) was a Benedictine abbot and saint. He succeeded Saint Humbert at Maroilles Abbey.
- The patron saints of Ireland for Catholics and Anglicans are Saint Patrick, Saint Brigid and Saint Columba.
- Saint-Chamond is named after Saint Annemund, a seventh-century saint.
- In the chancel, the legend of Saint Nicholas has been depicted.
- The patron saint of Scotland is Saint Andrew, and Saint Andrew's Day is celebrated in Scotland on 30 November.
- Some Christian saints have polytheistic theophoric names (such as Saint Dionysius, Saint Mercurius, Saint Saturninus, Saint Hermes, Saint Martin of Tours, Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki).
- Before 1624 Palermo had four patron saints, one for each of the four major parts of the city. They were Saint Agatha, Saint Christina, Saint Nympha and Saint Olivia.
- Few of the saints hold attributes, making it difficult to identify them, though they might include John the Baptist (kneeling at the left and gesturing towards the Christ Child), Job or Saint Jerome (the bearded man with a bare torso), possibly Saint Ambrose (the bishop saint to the right) and Saint George or Saint Sebastian (the warrior saint with a long sword).
- Saint Urfol (also known as Saint Urfold, Saint Urphoed or Saint Wulphroëdus) is a Breton saint from Armorica. His Feast Day is September 17.
- It shows the city's patron saint, Saint Nicholas, with Saint Mohor and his deacon Saint Fortunatus, both martyred at Aquileia in 305.
- The church has statues of Saint Méen in the attire of a bishop, Saint Peter, Saint Guénolé (a polychromed woodcarving dating to the 16th century), Saint Enéour, Saint Ouen and Saint Lawrence.
- Saint Quirinus is venerated as a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church. He died together with Saint Abidianus and Saint Papocinicus in Africa.
- Saint-Cyr refers to the popular child-saint Saint Quiricus (Cyriacus), whose following was strong in France because relics were brought back from Antioch by the 4th-century Bishop Saint Amator of Auxerre.
- Saint Proculus (the patron saint of Pozzuoli) and Saint Januarius (the patron saint of Naples) were beheaded at Solfatara in 305.
- The major altar is dedicated to Saint George, patron saint of the church; Saint Mary Mother of God, and Saint John the Baptist.
- Saint Femia (also spelled Femme, Feme, and Eufemia; fl. 6th century) was an Irish Christian saint, a sister of Saint Felim of Kilmore and Saint Daig of Inniskeen.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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