 Translation for 'screening' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a screening | screenings
NOUN2   screening | -
VERB   to screen | screened | screened
screening | screens
SYNO cover | covering | masking | ...
скрининг {м}
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Translation for 'screening' from English to Russian

скрининг {м}мед.фарм.
Usage Examples English
  • The goal of screening is earlier detection - to diagnose a disease earlier than it would be without screening.
  • There are also methods of prenatal genetic screening that can be employed after conception, regardless of whether IVF was used.
  • Screening for postpartum depression is critical as up to 50% of cases go undiagnosed in the US, emphasizing the significance of comprehensive screening measures.
  • Selection of the right personnel begins with a rigorous screening process designed to identify the right Marines for the right billet within MARSOC.
  • Early admission is largely divided into four types: the comprehensive student record screening, the student record curriculum screening, the essay screening, and the special talent screening.

  • 4. Provisional Ballot advanced to Screening Committee for screening process.
  • Anne Mackie is the Director of Programmes for the UK National Screening Committee, which sets health screening policy throughout the UK by advising ministers and the NHS in the four UK countries about all aspects of screening, and supports implementation of screening programmes.
  • In the United States, most obstetricians prefer universal screening with a screening glucose challenge test.
  • Virtual screening (VS) is a computational approach used for fast screening of large compound libraries for drug discovery.
  • On April 24, 2008, programs and activities were expanded by the "Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2008" to facilitate the creation of Federal guidelines on newborn screening, assist State newborn screening programs in meeting federal guidelines, and establish grant programs to provide for education and outreach on newborn screening, and implement coordinated follow-up care once newborn screening has been conducted.

  • PKU was the first disorder to be routinely diagnosed through widespread newborn screening.
  • The film was given its first screening in Victoria at Benalla.
  • Integrity screening is one common form of screening used by organizations as is cognitive ability screening.
  • The Approval was designed to mimic the quality of Printing presses using high resolution imaging (2,400 or 2,540 DPI similar to the printing plate) and halftone screening to accurately reflect what would be seen on press.
  • Universal screening, also known as mass screening or population screening, involves screening everyone, usually within a specific age group.

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