 Translation for 'seabed' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a seabed | seabeds
SYNO Davy Jones | Davy Jones's locker | ocean bottom | ...
морское дно {с}seabed
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Translation for 'seabed' from English to Russian

морское дно {с}
Usage Examples English
  • These are usually used to recover useful materials from the seabed. Many of them travel on continuous track. A unique variant is intended to walk on legs on the seabed.
  • Seabed warfare is undersea warfare which takes place on or in relation to the seabed.
  • At the present time (2021) there is no commercial mining of seabed minerals. Mining of the seabed is a controversial issue, as it will inevitably have some deleterious environmental and biospheric impacts.
  • The heavy harbour moorings have three chains extending out radially along the seabed from a central ring, each terminating in a large anchor.
  • The heavy harbour moorings have three chains extending out radially along the seabed from a central ring, each terminating in a large anchor.

  • The ship has digital seismic, acoustic, seabed, and sub-seabed mapping equipment as well as a dedicated Hugin 1000 autonomous underwater vehicle (capable of reaching 3,000 m depths).
  • Since stamukhi extend downward into the seabed, they present a risk to submarine pipelines and telecommunications cables that cross the shoreline.
  • This species lives only in the Mediterranean Sea and it prefers sandy seabed near meadows "Posidonia oceanica" or "Cymodocea nodosa" or other mobile seabed in areas very rich in algae from 1 to 50 m deep.
  • In 2008 CenSeam began collaborating with the International Seabed Authority to study effects of seabed mining on seamount ecosystems.
  • Sand mining from both beaches and the seabed has encountered opposition.

  • At the end of 2016, to prepare the seabed for the construction of the new neighborhood called Le Portier, posidonia plates and lithophilic rocks [...] were transplanted to the Larvotto seabed.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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