 Translation for 'serious accident' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a serious accident | serious accidents
серьезная авария {ж}serious accident
Partial Matches
серьёзный {adj}serious
тяжёлый {adj} [преступление, болезнь, рана]serious
случай {м}accident
случайность {ж}accident
производственная травма {ж}
work accident
авария {ж} [происшествие, несчастный случай]accident [mishap, disaster]
несчастный случай {м}accident [mishap, disaster]
инспектор {м} по охране труда
accident prevention officer
инженер {м} по технике безопасности
accident prevention officer
Успех не приходит случайно.
Success is no accident.
Успех не падает с неба.
Success is no accident.
реанимация {ж}
accident and emergency department
13 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Evacuation arrangements are in place to enable the escape of passengers and staff in the event of serious accident in the tunnel.
  • "Fallout", a 2006 drama shown on the Irish national TV station RTÉ, based on the false premise that parts of Ireland would need to be evacuated following a serious accident at Sellafield, following the accident there are evacuation riots, societal collapse and widespread health impacts.
  • The first serious accident during the bridge's construction occurred in December 1927, when three men drowned while working in a caisson on the New Jersey side.
  • In September 1969, only a month before the unveiling of the new Bristol 411 at the Earl's Court Motor Show, Sir George White (as he had become) suffered a serious accident in his Bristol 410.
  • In 1961, the later series was brought to an abrupt end, however, by a serious accident which occurred during a live transmission.

  • This was the only serious accident in the history of the Midland Valley system.
  • It was on this stretch of the Parkway that Governor of New Jersey Jon Corzine was involved in a serious accident on April 12, 2007.
  • On 6 March 2000 "Sceptre" suffered a serious accident while inside a drydock at the Rosyth yards while undergoing trials towards the end of a major refit.
  • The broken fuel pipe shown at left caused a serious accident when diesel fuel poured out from a van onto the road.
  • Three Mile Island was the most serious accident in the history of American commercial nuclear power plants, yet the effects were different from those of the Chernobyl accident.

  • In May 1972, a serious accident occurred at the folk festival in the town, when an overcrowded carriage derailed and several people were thrown out.
  • He had a joke that he used frequently in comedy clubs about how he caused a serious accident that left a classmate using a wheelchair.
  • Suspended in 2010 due to a serious accident, the 46th edition is planned for the end of June 2021.
  • At the age of seventeen, the same age that his brother Neil had died, Hawke had a serious accident while riding his Panther motorcycle that left him in a critical condition for several days.
  • The only serious accident resulted when an extra's foot was run over by a car.

  • She told the press that she did this to exercise her rights and to ensure that no damage was caused to ancient monuments, pointing out that the public could not be excluded from the area involved because it was not a firing area, and that sheep and ponies had been frightened away as the helicopters converged – "it could have been pony trekkers and hikers and might have resulted in a serious accident", she said.
  • Miles Vorkosigan accompanies fellow Imperial Auditor Professor Vorthys to Komarr to investigate a serious accident in space which may have been sabotage.
  • On 13 April 1948, a serious accident took place at the Waterloo Armstrong Lift; coal was still taken down to the original generating station which powered station offices at Waterloo.
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