Translation for '
shell' from English to Russian
NOUN | a shell | shells | |
VERB | to shell | shelled | shelled shelling | shells | |
SYNO | carapace | case | casing | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- The most highly prized shell for carving is the emperor or queen's helmet shell, "Cassis madagascariensis".
- The shell in life often appears green with algae, but the shell itself can be white, red, or brown, sometimes with checkered lines.
- The shell shape is pupiform, meaning the tip is rounded off and the shell overall has an ovular shape.
- However, once it is understood that the planorbid shell is sinistral, if the shell is held with the aperture on the left and facing the observer, then the sunken spire side of the shell is uppermost.
- The shell is reddish brown. The umbilicus is large (almost 25% of shell diameter). The shell is with radial growth lines. The width of the shell is 6–7 mm. The height of the shell is 3.5-4.0 mm.
- The default FreeBSD shell is the tcsh shell for root, and the Almquist shell (sh) for regular users. The default scripting shell is the Almquist shell.
- In computing, a shell builtin is a command or a function, called from a shell, that is executed directly in the shell itself, instead of an external executable program which the shell would load and execute.
- The result, known as the PWB shell or the Mashey shell, included more advanced flow-control mechanisms and introduced shell variables, but remained limited by the necessity to remain compatible with the Thompson shell.
- Shell-tempered wares in medieval Britain include three fabric groups: entirely shell-tempered, shell-and-sand tempered, and sand-with-shell tempered.
- nigra" has an internal and reduced shell, and spirally rolled radula, as have all the members of the family Velutinidae.
- Shell orange brown with a white shell lip. Juvenile has a yellowish shell. They are mostly ground dwellers.
- This species has several common names: Bland's top shell, floral top shell, Freycinet's top shell, red kelp shell and Tate's top shell.
- "Coloniconcha prima" has a thin semioval shell. The shape of the shell is similar to "Vitrina".
- The height of the shell attains 8 mm. The shell is off-white in color with small bumps lining the shell that are rigid to the touch..
- The length of the shell attains 5.6 mm. the base of the shell is an off-white that gradually gets tannish brown as the shell goes up. Splendrillia Carolae's shell is in a spiral shape.
- The shell is turreted, slender. The shell has 6 whorls. The shell is chalky white in color. The suture is deeply impressed. The shell is carinate in its entire length on the lower edge of the whorls.
- Main diagnostic features include: the shell and keel are calcareous; larval shell becomes the spire in the adult shell.
- The height of the shell attains 2.1 mm. The shell is very similar to the shell of "Basilissopsis watsoni" Dautzenberg & H.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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