 Translation for 'skinflint' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a skinflint | skinflints
SYNO churl | niggard | scrooge | ...
сквалыга {м} [разг.]skinflint
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Translation for 'skinflint' from English to Russian

сквалыга {м} [разг.]
Usage Examples English
  • He is credited with helping to create American stand-up comedy when he teamed with then-youthful vaudeville performer Jack Benny, helping develop Benny's familiar, reactive skinflint and thus helping make Benny a major star when he transitioned to radio in 1932.
  • "The Old Skinflint" (Spanish: "El Viejo Hucha") is a 1942 Argentine film.
  • One aim of the book is to counter the effect of skinflint policies instituted by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan that slashed government funding of art, to encourage increased private funding of the arts, and how, for example, the consequent change in membership of trustee boards from academics to corporate executives has inevitably lead to potential conflicts of interest.
  • He had gone, however, because he wanted to see the accountant about obtaining an advance on his salary, though he knew that the accountant would not oblige as he is an inveterate "skinflint".
  • designed to head off any criticism of an all-singing, all-dancing old skinflint.

  • Skinflint is an Austrian company focusing on the Austrian, German, British and Polish customers.
  • In 2012, Skinflint Records released the Iron Cross EP "Est. 1980".
  • Biker metal (also known as biker punk) Giuseppe Sbrana of Botswanan heavy metal band Skinflint has stated that biker metal bands were heavily influential on the aesthetic of African heavy metal bands.
  • Looking at his eccentricity, all assume him as a skinflint.
  • Sab Grey now lives in Baltimore, MD and is the author of two novels; Skinhead Army (2007) and Hated and Proud (2009), both published by Skinflint Press.

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