Translation for '
slang' from English to Russian
NOUN | slang | - | |
VERB | to sling | slung / slang | slung slinging | slings | |
SYNO | argot | cant | jargon | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- At the end of 2007 Chambers Harrap Publishers acquired the rights to publish the renowned British slang lexicographer Jonathon Green's Slang Dictionary as "Chambers Slang Dictionary", originally published by Cassell of the Orion Publishing Group.
- The Gadz'Arts use a special slang, called Argad'z which is actually a mix of French slang and military language, mixed with various local dialects.
- Much of Wodehouse's use of slang terms reflects the influence of his time at school in Dulwich, and partly reflects Edwardian slang.
- Although like any local dialect, Helsinki slang constantly evolves, most adult speakers of Helsinki slang still consider the pre-1960s version the "real" slang.
- Helsinki slang has slang words that have roots violating vowel harmony, e.g. "Sörkka". This can be interpreted as Swedish influence.
- Slang terms: In Helsinki slang, a common nickname for euro is "ege". In Tampere slang "Eero", a common male name, may be used for euro.
- Sinhala also has diverse slang. Most slang words and terms were regarded as taboo, and most were frowned upon as non-scholarly.
- Less formally, it is a ruck march in the Canadian Armed Forces and the US Army, a tab (Tactical Advance to Battle) in British Army slang, a yomp in Royal Marines slang, stomping in Australian Army slang, and a hump in the slang of the United States Marine Corps.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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