 Translation for 'slash' from English to Russian
NOUN   a slash | slashes
VERB   to slash | slashed | slashed
slashing | slashes
SYNO cut | diagonal | gash | ...
слеш {м} </>
slash </>
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Translation for 'slash' from English to Russian

slash </>
слеш {м} </>информ.
Usage Examples English
  • Multi-line comments can be indicated by a starting slash/asterisk (...) and ending asterisk/forward slash (...).
  • Often thought of as inherently destructive, slash-and-burn or slash-and-char shifting cultivation have been practiced in the Amazon for thousands of years.
  • In forestry, slash, or slashings are coarse and fine woody debris generated during logging operations or through wind, snow or other natural forest disturbances.
  • Their names are a reference to the hack and slash genre of computer games, and the keyboard characters \ (hack) and / (slash).
  • Although the classic "Kraith" stories are not slash fiction, some commentators have seen "Kraith" as a precursor to some forms of slash: hurt/comfort themes, and themes of emotional and mental closeness, as well as the BDSM implications later in the series, are clearly closely related to themes found in many slash works.

  • Kirk and Spock from "Star Trek", is a pairing popular in slash fiction, possibly the first slash pairing, according to Henry Jenkins, an early slash fiction scholar.
  • Real person slash (RPS), also known in some circles as real-life slash (RLS), involves relationships.
  • Subsequent pages only have text in the top right corner. This text includes: the author's name, a slash, an abbreviated title, another slash, and the page number.
  • "D. melanurus" has distinctive dark markings round the eyes, a vertical dark slash just behind the jaw. and a heavy diagonal dark slash on both sides of the neck.
  • "Note": In table cells with slashes, the singular form is given before the slash, while the plural form follows the slash.

  • Slash-and-char offers benefits to the environment when compared to slash-and-burn.
  • As support for these is limited, the ordinary forward slash [...] and backward slash [...] are occasionally used as substitutes.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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