Translation for '
slave' from English to Russian
NOUN | a slave | slaves | |
VERB | to slave | slaved | slaved slaving | slaves | |
SYNO | hard worker | slave | striver | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- During the Peloponnesian Wars, some Athenian slave-owners volunteered their slaves to serve as oarsmen in warships.
- Any person not related to a slave's master could be enslaved for trying to "prevent" a slave's escape.
- Ruffin was involved, sometimes secretly and illegally, in the slave industry as a slave owner and a slave trader which led directly to one of his most heinous rulings protecting the institution.
- §12 If a slave-girl or slave of a man has fled into the heart of the city and it has been confirmed that he (or she) dwelt in the house of (another) man for one month, he shall give slave for slave.
- Abolitionists, notably William Wilberforce, continued their effort to end the slave trade.
- William Whaley (died circa 1765) was an English slave trader.
- The Assin Manso Ancestral Slave River called "Nnonkonsuo" or "Donkor Nsuo" (singular) was one of the slave markets for gathering indigenes during the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
- The popularity of the Greek slave story was circulating throughout the United States.
- If an unmarried slave bore a child and the slave owner did not acknowledge parenthood, then the slave had to face zina charges.
- The New York slave codes were a series of slave codes passed in the Province of New York to regulate slavery.
- The Slave Trade Act 1807 banned the slave trade by British subjects.
- Pikworo slave camp was a slave trading camp where people were sold to English, French and Dutch slave traders.
- "The Slave Route." "Slave Route | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", UNESCO,
- The slave has discovered an old shepherd who wants revenge on Lemminkäinen, and with the help of the treacherous slave he kills Lemminkäinen, but then falls victim to a blow from the slave.
- By the mid-1890s, Menelik was actively suppressing the slave trade, ordering the destruction of several slave markets throughout the region and punishing slave traders with amputation.
- The pair "male slave/female slave" forms an interesting exception, showing gender marking through different endings of the lexeme: [...] 'slave (m)' vs.
- The 1807 Act also regulated the United States' "coastwise slave trade"; it protected shipping by domestic slave traders between markets along the other slave trading coasts.
- Slavery was common during the Yuan dynasty. The main sources of slaves include captives, criminals, kidnapped commoners, buying and selling of human lives.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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