 Translation for 'sledgehammer' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a sledgehammer | sledgehammers
SYNO maul | sledge | sledgehammer | ...
кувалда {ж}
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Translation for 'sledgehammer' from English to Russian

кувалда {ж}тех.
Usage Examples English
  • "The Salt Lake Tribune" gave "Old Dogs" a rating of zero stars out of a possible four, and criticized the film for "hammy acting and sledgehammer editing".
  • In it Comic Book Guy throws a sledgehammer at a giant screen that displays the CEO "Steve Mobs".
  • The University of Toronto student knocked down Yordanis Ugás in the first and second rounds with two sledgehammer lefts to the side of the chin.
  • The most basic seismic source is a sledgehammer. A seismic energy is generated either by striking the ground directly, or more commonly striking a metal or polyethylene plate on the ground.
  • A blacksmith's striker is an assistant (frequently an apprentice) whose job is to swing a large sledgehammer in heavy forging operations, as directed by the blacksmith.

  • The town's arms might be described thus: Azure a bend wavy sinister argent between a sledgehammer and a cross-peen hammer per saltire, and three fish of the last.
  • "Note:" Cameo appearance by Liberace, in which he smashes his piano with a sledgehammer as "performance art".
  • (AHD format: swĕj) (perhaps influenced by "sledge" as in "sledgehammer").
  • Another popular attraction of the Chengde area is Sledgehammer Peak (...), a large rock formation in the shape of an inverted sledgehammer.
  • On 13 November 2022, Wagner released a video depicting a captured deserter from the group who defected to the Ukrainian side being executed via a sledgehammer blow to the skull.

  • Soon after losing his seat in 2010, Prentice described the moment in 1998 when he was “nearly killed” by a man wielding a sledgehammer.
  • Triple H won the match by pinning Vince after hitting him with a sledgehammer, when Vince's daughter and Triple H's (kayfabe, at that time) wife Stephanie McMahon turned on Vince by giving the sledgehammer to Triple H.
  • Triple H attempted to hit Van Dam with a sledgehammer but Van Dam performed a Spinning Heel Kick on Triple H.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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