 Translation for 'sleeping bag' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a sleeping bag | sleeping bags
спальный мешок {м}sleeping bag
спальник {м} [разг.] [спальный мешок]sleeping bag
Partial Matches
сонная болезнь {ж}
sleeping sickness
Забытое убийство [Агата Кристи]
Sleeping Murder [Agatha Christie]
сумка {ж}bag
полиэтиленовый пакет {м}polythene bag
пакет {м} [пластиковый или бумажный]
carrier bag
кожаная сумка {ж}leather bag
чайный пакетик {м}
tea bag
авоська {ж} [разг.]
string bag
мешок {м} для мусораtrash bag [Am.]
сумочка {ж} для туалетных принадлежностей
toilet bag [Br.]
12 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Greek life was banned from the university campus after a hazing in 1987, where a student suffered overheating when left with a sleeping bag over his head near a space heater.
  • Colin Wilson slept rough (in a sleeping bag) on Hampstead Heath to save money when he was working on his first novel, "Ritual in the Dark".
  • A basic sleeping bag is simply a square blanket or quilt, fitted with a zipper on two or three sides, which enables users to get into the bag and then close it up.
  • A less expensive alternative to using a specialized bass drum pillow is to use an old sleeping bag.
  • The spacecraft was equipped for a crewed flight, even featuring a sleeping bag, food, and medication.

  • A sleeping bag is carried and other essential backpacking items, and often a tent or similar shelter, if places to stay are not available.
  • Another witness who entered the tent that night, police Constable Frank Morris, gave evidence that there were only a few drops of blood on a couple of blankets and a sleeping bag in the tent.
  • The survivors who had found the rear of the fuselage came up with an idea to use insulation from the rear of the fuselage, copper wire, and waterproof fabric that covered the air conditioning of the plane to fashion a sleeping bag.
  • The rejection of Russell's "Corn" album (a suite of hip-hop-infused electropop including material later released on "Calling Out of Context") by Socolov in 1985, coupled with creative disagreements between the two over "Wax the Van", resulted in Russell divesting himself from Sleeping Bag Records shortly after the release of "Schoolbell/Treehouse" in 1986.
  • A bundling board was a large plank that was placed in between the couple and the bundling sack was a sleeping bag that was sewn up the middle.

  • In Australia, the term swag is widely used to refer to a portable shelter used for camping or outdoor sleeping that acts as tent, sleeping bag and mattress combined in a single item.
  • In extreme cases, an affected individual has slept in a sleeping bag zipped up to their neck, wearing mittens so they cannot unzip it until they awake.
  • One vivid example of this is the predominant use of the native "malong", the colorful, tubelike garment used as a skirt by the indigenous tribes, in place of a blanket or sleeping bag.
  • When they reach Gloom Castle, they find that it is falling apart: the armchairs have springs and stuffing sticking out and there are no proper beds (apart from one, which Ethel Hallow immediately claims) other than old sleeping-bags, piles of pillows, and what appear to be hospital trolleys.
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