 Translation for 'smoking room' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a smoking room | smoking rooms
курительная комната {ж}smoking room
Partial Matches
Курить воспрещается!No smoking!
комната {ж}room
зал {м} для завтрака [в гостинице]
breakfast room
гостиничный номер {м} [состоящий из одной комнаты]hotel room
подсобное помещение {с}utility room
подсобка {ж} [разг.] [подсобное помещение]utility room
гостиная {ж} [салон]drawing room
машинное отделение {с}
engine room
родильный зал {м}
delivery room
столовая {ж} [в квартире или жилом доме]dining room
комнатный {adj}room [attr.]
детская (комната) {ж}children's room
питание и проживание {noun}room and board
научный сотрудник {м} секретной лаборатории
back room boy [coll.]
притулиться [сов.] [разг.]to find room for oneself
броситься вон из комнаты [в гневе, волнении и т.п.]to storm out of the room
номер {м} [в гостинице]room [e.g. in a hotel]
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Usage Examples English
  • The vestibule or foyer (also called the Smoking Room) has columns and garlands.
  • They were designed as the entrance vestibules for the smoking room and the Galerie du Glacier.
  • He is best known for creating the sitcom "The Smoking Room", which debuted on BBC Three in 2004, before it was transferred to BBC Two, and for which he received a BAFTA in 2005.
  • "The Smoking Room" is a British television sitcom written by Brian Dooley, who won a BAFTA for the series in 2005.
  • On the mantlepiece of his smoking room at Mount Stewart, Londonderry retained a memento of his diplomatic démarche: an Allach porcelain figurine of an "SS Fahnenträger" (SS flag bearer).

  • Andrews was standing alone in the 1st-class smoking room with his arms folded, his lifebelt lying on a nearby table.
  • Upon adopting the property, the National Trust undertook a large-scale programme of restoration and re-construction adopting the orthodoxy of 1950s conservation practice which saw the Victorian smoking room demolished, large portions of the house stripped back to stone and all the rooms re-arranged to reflect their appearance when first constructed.
  • It was called the "Men's Smoking Room" where supposedly the men who were guests went to smoke cigars.
  • It was used as a smoking room for gentlemen. Walls are covered in hand-made textiles like silk brocades from the Siegert shops of Vienna.
  • In the 1890s, Baron Ferdinand focused on the Renaissance collection for his small museum in the New Smoking Room.

  • Adjoining the inner lobby was a smoking room, measuring [...] , with an attached men's restroom.
  • His designs were: built 1810 a new infirmary (destroyed in 1941 during The Blitz), a new stable block and extended his own official residence in 1814; a new bakehouse in 1815; a new gardener's house 1816, a new guard-house and Secretary's Office with space for fifty staff 1818; a Smoking Room in 1829 and finally a garden shelter in 1834.
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