 Translation for 'solubility' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a solubility | solubilities
SYNO solubility | solvability
растворимость {ж}
растворимость {ж} в воде
aqueous solubility
растворимость {ж} в воде
water solubility
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • As the critical point is approached, solubility drops markedly to a few ppm, and salts are hardly soluble in supercritical water.
  • This class was originally differentiated from prolamins by Thomas Burr Osborne according to its low solubility. Modern analysis now considers glutelins as a low-solubility subclass of prolamins.
  • ... must have a minimum chemical solubility in order to be effective).
  • It is a yellowish-white crystalline solid that has a slight solubility in hot water, but high solubility in ethanol.
  • Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) is a derivative of cellulose with both water solubility and organic solubility. It is used as an excipient, and topical ophthalmic protectant and lubricant.

  • Host guest interactions also significantly influence solubility behavior of cucurbiturils.
  • Well known fitted equations for solubility prediction are the general solubility equations. These equations stem from the work of Yalkowsky "et al".
  • "n"-butanol and isobutanol have limited solubility, "sec"-butanol has substantially greater solubility, while "tert"-butanol is miscible with water.
  • Alkaline earth metals form hydroxides that are strong electrolytes with limited solubility in water, due to the strong attraction between their constituent ions.
  • Most chemical compounds, dissolved in most solvents, show the so-called "direct" solubility that is, the solubility threshold increases with temperature.

  • Aluminum forms a eutectic with copper at 547 °C and 33 mass percent copper, which also corresponds to the maximum solubility.
  • At room temperature with 1 atmosphere of pressure, L-alanyl-L-glutamine has a solubility of about 586 g/L, which is more than 10 times glutamine's solubility (35 g/L).
  • Compared to other 1-alkanols (1-nonanol, 1-undecanol, and 1-tridecanol), 1-pentadecanol possesses lower solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide.
  • In general, the water solubility of uric acid and its alkali metal and alkaline earth salts is rather low.
  • Where Xm is the mole fraction solubility of the solute, X1 and X2 denote the mole fraction solubility in neat cosolvent and water.

  • There is another effect which can manifest as a result of the disparity in solubility between inert breathing gas diluents, which occurs in isobaric gas switches near the decompression ceiling between a low solubility gas, typically helium, and a higher solubility gas, typically nitrogen.
  • Calcium sulfate is also a common component of fouling deposits in industrial heat exchangers, because its solubility decreases with increasing temperature (see the specific section on the retrograde solubility).
  • While as β-cyclodextrin has rather poor solubility, industry uses its derivatives with much better solubility.
  • Cantharidin, from the Greek "kantharis", for beetle, is an odorless, colorless natural product with solubility in various organic solvents, [...] but only slight solubility in water.
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