 Translation for 'southern hemisphere' from English to Russian
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NOUN   the southern hemisphere | -
южная полусфера {ж}
southern hemisphere
Partial Matches
гемисфера {ж}
северная полусфера {ж}
northern hemisphere
южный {adj}southern
Южная Индия {ж}
southern India
красноглазый нырок {м} [Netta erythrophthalma]
southern pochard
шлемоносный казуар {м} [Casuarius casuarius]
southern cassowary
хохлатый пингвин {м} [Eudyptes chrysocome]
(southern) rockhopper penguin
южный королевский альбатрос {м} [Diomedea epomophora]
southern royal albatross
лысый ибис {м} [Geronticus calvus]
southern bald ibis
древесный даман {м} [Dendrohyrax arboreus]
southern tree hyrax
древесный даман {м} [Dendrohyrax arboreus]
southern tree dassie
Южная Бавария {ж}
southern Bavaria [also: Southern Bavaria]
13 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • These stars avoid being engulfed by daylight for some of every day (when above the horizon) to viewers in mid- and well-inhabited higher latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.
  • It has attained a high level of cultural significance in many Southern Hemisphere states and nations.
  • Australia is the largest almond production region in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • the eutherians (placentals) in the northern hemisphere and the metatherians (marsupials, now mainly restricted to Australia and to some extent South America) in the southern hemisphere.
  • In the Southern Hemisphere, August is the seasonal equivalent of February in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • April is commonly associated with the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.
  • Blue whales have been protected in areas of the Southern Hemisphere since 1939.
  • Brazil's armed forces are the second largest in the Americas, after the United States, and the largest in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere by the level of military equipment, with 334,500 active-duty troops and officers.
  • The economy of Brazil is historically the largest in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere in nominal terms.
  • Botswana was selected to participate because of its ideal location in the southern hemisphere and environment, which could enable easier data collection from the universe.

  • Antares is easier to see from the southern hemisphere due to its southerly declination. In the whole of Antarctica, the star is circumpolar as the whole continent is above 64° S latitude.
  • Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere).
  • The basic requirement for passive solar heating is that the solar collectors must face the prevailing sunlight (south in the Northern Hemisphere, north in the Southern Hemisphere), and the building must incorporate thermal mass to keep it warm in the night.
  • Traditional Chinese star maps incorporated 23 new constellations with 125 stars of the southern hemisphere of the sky based on the knowledge of Western star charts; with this improvement, the Chinese Sky was integrated with the World astronomy.
  • All Asterales families are represented in the Southern Hemisphere; however, Asteraceae and Campanulaceae are cosmopolitan and Menyanthaceae nearly so.

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