 Translation for 'space colonization' from English to Russian
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колонизация {ж} космоса
space colonization
Partial Matches
космический туризм {м}
space tourism
медийное пространство {с}
media space
компактный {adj} [занимающий малое пространство]space-saving
космос {м}(outer) space
многоразовый транспортный космический корабль {м} <МТКК>space shuttle
пространство {с} выборок
sample space
космическая станция {ж}
space station
космический полёт {м}
space flight
космический буксир {м}
space tug
космический {adj}
space [attr.]
аффинное пространство {с}
affine space
unverified машино-место {с}exclusive parking space
космическое пространство {с}space [beyond earth]
неразрывный пробел {м}
non-breaking space <NBSP>
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Usage Examples English
  • The "R" initial in his name stands for "Robot," a naming convention in Asimov's future society during Earth's early period of space colonization.
  • The only known technology that allows long-term suspended animation of humans is the freezing of early-stage human embryos through embryo cryopreservation, which is behind the concept of embryo space colonization.
  • Lower launch costs and excellent safety will be required for the applications such as space tourism and especially space colonization to become feasible for expansion.
  • Instead, he served as a prominent advocate for space colonization and life extension.
  • Bernal, a crystallographer at Cambridge, wrote "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" in 1929, in which he speculated on the prospects of space colonization and radical changes to human bodies and intelligence through bionic implants and cognitive enhancement.

  • Many specific scientific and engineering details are presented, as are numerous issues involved in space colonization.
  • Space colonization (also called space settlement or extraterrestrial colonization) is the use of outer space or celestial bodies other than Earth for permanent habitation or as extraterrestrial territory.
  • Thiel explained in a 2009 essay that he had come to "no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible", due in large part to welfare beneficiaries and women in general being "notoriously tough for libertarians" constituencies, and that he had focused efforts on new technologies (namely cyberspace, space colonization and seasteading) that could create "a new space for freedom" beyond current politics.
  • "Dreamweaver's Dilemma" is a short story set at the beginning of Earth's age of space colonization and genetic manipulation.
  • During these two centuries, Earth-people have overcome their agoraphobia and resumed space colonization, using faster-than-light drive to reach distant planets beyond the earlier "Spacer" worlds.

  • Wells postulated in "The Shape of Things to Come" a Second World War in which Nazi Germany and Poland are evenly matched militarily, fighting an indecisive war over ten years; and Poul Anderson's early 1950s Psychotechnic League depicted a world undergoing a devastating nuclear war in 1958, yet by the early 21st century managing not only to rebuild the ruins on Earth but also engage in extensive space colonization of the Moon and several planets.
  • Ward Carson wrote: "In "For Us, the Living", space colonization waits until the end of the Twenty-First Century and Scudder is defeated; in the Future History it happens a century earlier and Scudder takes over the US.
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