 Translation for 'spontaneity' from English to Russian
NOUN   spontaneity | spontaneities
SYNO spontaneity | spontaneousness
спонтанность {ж}spontaneity
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Translation for 'spontaneity' from English to Russian

спонтанность {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Faat Bihu: This is a very old form of Bihu, characterized by spontaneity, popular in the Lakhimpur area of Assam.
  • Karyn, every moment is filled with excitement and spontaneity.
  • Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari endorsed Sartre's view that there is no "class spontaneity" but only "group spontaneity".
  • Gibbs' key contribution was to formalize the understanding of the effect of reactant concentration on spontaneity.
  • There is a real and significant influence of Daoism on Lu's philosophy. The most prominent influences are the concept simplicity and spontaneity.

  • "Variety" called "Easy Living" a "poor imitation "My Man Godfrey", adding that "the latter, this one lacks spontaneity and cleverness".
  • Zimmermann is also known for using improvisation and spontaneity in her choreography.
  • Kubovy, M. (1977). Response availability and the apparent spontaneity of numerical choices. "Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance", "3"(2), 359-364.
  • LTK Commune's live performances are noted for their spontaneity and engagement with the crowd.
  • A core tenet of psychodrama is Moreno's theory of "spontaneity-creativity".

  • The program's spontaneity provides room for a lighter discussion of pressing sports news and more!
  • "We’re about freedom and spontaneity, particularly in a live set," explains Noonan.
  • (1902), Vladimir Lenin argued fiercely against revolutionary spontaneity as a dangerous revisionist concept that strips away the disciplined nature of Marxist political thought and leaves it arbitrary and ineffective.
  • The principal subject of the book, however, is what happens when a person's spontaneity is crushed in early life.
  • Semi-structured interviews balance the pre-planned questions of a structured approach with the spontaneity and flexibility of the unstructured interview.

  • In general, the spontaneity of a process only determines whether or not a process "can" occur and makes no indication as to whether or not the process "will" occur.
  • George, J. M., & Jones, G. R. (1997). Organizational spontaneity in context. Human Performance, 10(2), 153–170.
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