 Translation for 'spoonful of' from English to Russian
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ложка {ж} [+gen.]spoonful of
Partial Matches
unverified наводя́щий на мы́сли (о)suggestive (of)
куча [+gen.] [разг.] [множество]plenty of
убедить в [+prep.] [сов.]to convince of
из-за {prep} [+gen.]because of
конечно {adv}of course
вместо {prep} [+gen.]instead of
за пределами {adv}outside (of)
институт {м} брака
institution of marriage 
республика {ж} Маврикий
Republic of Mauritius
маврикиец {м}
national of Mauritius
прекращение {с} деятельности
close of business
выписка {ж} по счету
abstract of account
выписка {ж} из счета
abstract of account
выписка {ж} со счета
abstract of account
окончание {с} рабочего дня
close of business
закрытие {с}
close of business
с умыслом {adv} [нареч.]
of set purpose
огородничество {с}
growing of vegetables
с точки зрения
in terms of
завидовать [несов.]
to be jealous of
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • She is also proud of her Apple Brown Betty to which she adds a spoonful of orange juice.
  • This is usually made by frying a small spoonful of the same batter as any other pancake.
  • Then add the almonds a spoonful of butter, and pour in waxed paper cups and leave to cool.
  • These fluids can have up to a spoonful of diamondoids per US gallon (3.78 liters).
  • The diary of a young Jewish girl from Łódź recounts a fight she had with her father over a spoonful of "zacierki" taken from the family's meager supply of 200 grams a week.

  • However when a spoonful of very cold oil is put into a pan on a stove and it is slowly heated and swirled around, the oil will gradually warm up, and there is a definite temperature range where the oil is warm and traditionally "oily."
  • Another inverse happens during the song "A Spoonful of Sugar" from Mary Poppins, as, during the line "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," the words "go down" leap from a lower to a higher note.
  • However Melville was lured to a prearranged place where he was killed by being thrown into a cauldron of boiling water and each of the murderers took a spoonful of the murderous brew.
  • A spoonful of this water is fed to the dying, in the belief that they will attain "moksha" (spiritual emancipation) and gain entry to heaven.
  • Milo is also served locally in kopitiams and mamak stalls in versions such as "Milo Dinosaur" (a cup of Milo with an extra spoonful of undissolved Milo powder added on top of it), "Milo Godzilla" (a cup of Milo with ice cream and/or topped with whipped cream) "Neslo" (combined with Nescafé powdered coffee) and "Milo Mangkuk" (Iced Milo that is served with shaved ice inside a plastic bowl).

  • Workers then filed by and each was given a spoonful of mango water.
  • A writer in 1873 described a "sugar-teat" made from "a small piece of old linen" with a "spoonful of rather sandy sugar in the center of it", "gathered ...
  • A spoonful of sweet jam or conserve is also a very popular topping for the pudding.
  • To a pint of pulp of skirrets add a spoonful of flour, the yolks of four eggs, sugar and spice. Make them into a thick batter, and fry them quick.
  • Original Cast Recordings include: "Love Birds", "Soho Cinders", "Sleeping Arrangements", "Ushers: The Front of House Musical", and "A Spoonful of Sherman".

  • Rather than viewing herself as a complete failure for eating a spoonful of ice cream, the woman in the example could still recognize her overall effort to diet as at least a partial success.
  • In Season 1, Episode 3 of the American TV series Shameless, “Aunt Ginger”, viewers can see the characters Debbie and Ginger taking a spoonful of Geritol.
  • On hearing that the Colmans' family motto is "Too much mustard gets up your nose," Alan tries to impress her by eating a large spoonful of mustard.
  • Everyone present eats a spoonful of kutia, after which the other dishes are brought out and eaten.
  • She grabs a bottle of Vicks Formula 44 and gives Oddjob a spoonful of the cough syrup, which cures his cough; the two bow to each other, and then the wife looks past Oddjob to take in the destruction he has caused.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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