 Translation for 'squire' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a squire | squires
VERB   to squire | squired | squired
squiring | squires
SYNO gallant | squire
сквайр {м}
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Translation for 'squire' from English to Russian

сквайр {м}ист.
Usage Examples English
  • Henry Hamilton O'Hara, also known as "Mad O'Hara" or "The Mad Squire of Craigbilly" or "Crebilly" (born 1820 – died 1875) was the last squire of Craigbilly Castle in County Antrim, Ireland.
  • There, he tells him the story of a squire who bargained with Native Americans for the secrets of their rituals concerning time and space, which were practiced on the land where the squire had recently taken up residence.
  • His first job is with a local squire, who puts him to work chopping wood, for which he is paid half a dollar.
  • Another important office of the contrada is the squire, who helps the captain in the performance of his duties.
  • Cooperation – Young Thomas's grandfather takes on another squire, who outshines Thomas in many tasks.

  • The Squire is a fictional character in the framing narrative of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. He is squire to (and son of) the Knight and is the narrator of The Squire's Tale or "Cambuscan".
  • Walter Calverley was an English squire and murderer.
  • When his secret lover Maria Marten tells him she is pregnant with his child and asks him to marry her, the villainous Squire Corder murders her and buries her body in the red barn.
  • The title character is Ralph Newton, the nephew of Squire Gregory Newton of Newton Priory.
  • The term squire is a British term that refers to a village leader or a lord of the manor, which is also called a "squire", and the term was applied to members of the landed gentry.

  • The Chetwynd Park estate was once home to the Pigott family. Squire Pigott was a neglectful husband.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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