 Translation for 'state of emergency' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a state of emergency | states of emergency
чрезвычайное положение {с} <чп>state of emergency
Partial Matches
изменённое состояние {с} сознания
altered state of consciousness
государственный секретарь {м} [в США]
Secretary of State [Am.]
ультрасовременный {adj}state-of-the-art
экстренный {adj} [срочный]emergency [attr.]
аварийный {adj}emergency [attr.]
авария {ж}emergency [accident]
аварийная посадка {ж}
emergency landing
экстренная операция {ж}
emergency surgery [operation]
неотложная медицинская помощь {ж}
emergency medical service
реанимация {ж}
accident and emergency department
колеблющийся штат {noun}
swing state
колеблющийся штат {noun}
battleground state
несостоявшееся государство {с}
failed state
государственный визит {м}
state visit
государственный экзамен {м}
state examination
буферное государство {с}
buffer state
штат {м}state [country]
колеблющийся штат {noun}
purple state
ужасное состояние {с}terrible state
государственная пенсия {ж}state pension
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Translation for 'state of emergency' from English to Russian

state of emergency
чрезвычайное положение {с} <чп>

altered state of consciousness
изменённое состояние {с} сознанияпсих.
Secretary of State [Am.]
государственный секретарь {м} [в США]пол.
ультрасовременный {adj}
emergency [attr.]
экстренный {adj} [срочный]

аварийный {adj}
emergency [accident]
авария {ж}
emergency landing
аварийная посадка {ж}авиа.
emergency surgery [operation]
экстренная операция {ж}мед.
emergency medical service
unverified неотложная медицинская помощь {ж}мед.
accident and emergency department
unverified реанимация {ж}админ.мед.
swing state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
battleground state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
failed state
несостоявшееся государство {с}пол.
state visit
государственный визит {м}пол.
state examination
государственный экзамен {м}образ.
buffer state
буферное государство {с}пол.
state [country]
штат {м}
purple state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
terrible state
ужасное состояние {с}
state pension
государственная пенсия {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • In March 1989 Milošević announced an "anti-bureaucratic revolution" in Kosovo and Vojvodina, curtailing their autonomy as well as imposing a curfew and a state of emergency in Kosovo due to violent demonstrations, resulting in 24 deaths (including two policemen).
  • After issuing the state of emergency, the City of Jackson filed a letter of intent to Department of Health to borrow $2.5 million to repair broken water pipes.
  • Her Cabinet and government then recommended that President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed declare a state of emergency because of the disorder and lawlessness following the Allahabad High Court decision.
  • After rising insecurity, President Tshisekedi declared a "state of siege" or state of emergency in North Kivu, as well as Ituri province, in the first such declaration since the country's independence.
  • Many constitutions contain provisions to curtail freedoms and criminalize otherwise tolerated behaviors under a state of emergency in case of war, natural disaster or civil unrest.

  • Many constitutions allow the declaration under exceptional circumstances of some form of state of emergency during which some rights and guarantees are suspended.
  • On 24 February 2011, the government lifted Algeria's 19-year-old state of emergency.
  • The Australian administration imposed a state of emergency with Native Police and armed volunteers of locals and Australian officials being mobilised.
  • In 1983, New Jersey declared a Passaic River production site to be a state of emergency.
  • Barricades as well as roadblocks were erected and Traoré declared a state of emergency and imposed a nightly curfew.

  • A state of emergency was later declared ahead of a planned anti-government rally, and the people's Majlis accelerated the removal of Adeeb.
  • Dictatorships are often characterised by some of the following: suspension of elections and civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents; not abiding by the procedures of the rule of law, and the existence of a cult of personality centered on the leader.
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