 Translation for 'state pension' from English to Russian
государственная пенсия {ж}state pension
Partial Matches
пенсионная реформа {ж}
pension reform
пенсия {ж}pension [payment]
пенсионный кредит {м}
pension credit
пансион {м} [небольшая гостиница]pension [boarding house]
буферное государство {с}
buffer state
государственный визит {м}
state visit
колеблющийся штат {noun}
swing state
колеблющийся штат {noun}
battleground state
колеблющийся штат {noun}
purple state
несостоявшееся государство {с}
failed state
штат {м}state [country]
ужасное состояние {с}terrible state
государственный экзамен {м}
state examination
колеблющийся штат {noun}
toss-up state
чрезвычайное положение {с} <чп>state of emergency
негосударственный актор {м}
non-state actor
изменённое состояние {с} сознания
altered state of consciousness
ультрасовременный {adj}state-of-the-art
государственный секретарь {м} [в США]
Secretary of State [Am.]
излагать что-л. [несов.] [вопрос, факты, мнение и пр.]to state sth. [expound, set out]
21 translations
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Translation for 'state pension' from English to Russian

state pension
государственная пенсия {ж}

pension reform
пенсионная реформа {ж}пол.фин.
pension [payment]
пенсия {ж}
pension credit
unverified пенсионный кредит {м}фин.
pension [boarding house]
пансион {м} [небольшая гостиница]
buffer state
буферное государство {с}пол.
state visit
государственный визит {м}пол.
swing state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
battleground state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
purple state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
failed state
несостоявшееся государство {с}пол.
state [country]
штат {м}
terrible state
ужасное состояние {с}
state examination
государственный экзамен {м}образ.
toss-up state
unverified колеблющийся штат {noun}пол.
state of emergency
чрезвычайное положение {с} <чп>
non-state actor
негосударственный актор {м}пол.
altered state of consciousness
изменённое состояние {с} сознанияпсих.
ультрасовременный {adj}
Secretary of State [Am.]
государственный секретарь {м} [в США]пол.
to state sth. [expound, set out]
излагать что-л. [несов.] [вопрос, факты, мнение и пр.]
Usage Examples English
  • He left Sofia and moved to Pazardzhik, where he lived with a low state pension until his death in 2013.
  • During the governments led by Lindman, several reforms for social progress were made, and it was his first government that initiated the public state pension.
  • By 1922, the song became so well known and loved throughout Iceland that, in recognition of this, the Althing endowed Sveinbjörnsson with a state pension.
  • In October 2002, McCall released 61 letters he had written on state letterhead to heads of companies in which the state pension fund owned large blocks of stock, asking them to review enclosed resumes of his relatives and other job-seekers.
  • As of 2022, the Department for Work and Pensions was still using VME based systems to support state pension payments.

  • Every Dutch citizen gets according to the AOW act of 1956, a state pension, from the age of 65.
  • In January 2018, a "total contributions approach" qualification system was announced, effective from March 2018, for those pensioners who reached state pension age after 1 September 2012.
  • Similar to Emil Cioran, he lived from 1978 on a state pension. In 1987 he received the Honor Award from the Fritt Ord Foundation for "the original and versatile character of his literary work".
  • The pensions 'triple-lock' guarantees that the state pension rises each year by the highest of inflation, earnings or 2.5%.
  • In the 2009 Budget, Begg also won a concession from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling MP, that "those caring responsibilities of grandparents of working age will count towards their entitlement to the basic state pension."

  • She was a notable figure in several Parliamentary campaigns including that to remove the rule where pensioners going into hospital had to surrender their pension and reapply on discharge and in another campaign that sought, successfully, to amend National Insurance and other rules – the amendments meaning that the number of women who qualified for the Basic State Pension was greatly increased.
  • Largest shareholders of Sampo plc are Finnish national institutions (Government of Finland and State Pension Fund) as well as Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, and Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company.
  • funds which he implied would be used to save insolvent state pension funds, instead of COVID-19 relief as intended.
  • As is tradition, The Queen (aged 89 at the time) distributed specially-minted Maundy money to 89 men and 89 women from the Sheffield area of state pension age or above.
  • Class 4 contributions do not form part of a qualifying contribution record for any benefits, including the State Pension, as self-employed people qualify for these benefits by paying Class 2 contributions.

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