 Translation for 'static' from English to Russian
ADJ   static | more static | most static
NOUN   static | -
SYNO atmospherics | atmospheric static | electrostatic | ...
статический {adj}static
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Translation for 'static' from English to Russian

статический {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • Static routes also may have preference factors used to select the best static route to the same destination.
  • The SofCheck Inspector static analysis engine is used within the CodePeer static analysis product from AdaCore.
  • Static dischargers, also called static wicks or static discharge wicks, are devices used to remove static electricity from aircraft in flight.
  • To avoid potential ambiguity when referring to the properties of the fluid associated with the state of the fluid rather than its motion, the prefix "static" is commonly used (such as static temperature and static enthalpy).
  • Climbing ropes can be classified into three categories according to their elasticity: static, semi-static, and dynamic ropes.

  • A notable behavior of static members in a generic .NET class is static member instantiation per run-time type (see example below).
  • Aircraft develop a static charge through collisions with droplets and ice particles. The static can be discharged with static dischargers or static wicks.
  • Thus, we find that the magnetic field is static. Similarly, using the second rotational invariance equation, we can find that the electric field is static. Therefore, the solution must be static.
  • In the vicinity of electrostatic sensitive devices, a ground (earth) mat or grounding (earthing) mat is used to ground static electricity generated by people and moving equipment.
  • "Static Electricity": Tennakone has published several papers in the area of static electricity including atmospheric effects.

  • For example, Erlang is dynamically typed but has static name resolution.
  • On July 2, 2012, Groovy 2.0 was released, which, among other new features, added static compiling and static type checking.
  • Aeroperú Flight 603 had a fatal pitot-static system failure due to the cleaning crew leaving the static port blocked with tape.
  • Extended Static Checking was pioneered in ESC/Modula-3 and, later, ESC/Java.
  • Jekyll started a web development trend towards static websites. [...] Jekyll was ranked the most popular static site generator, largely due to its adoption by GitHub.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!