 Translation for 'steepness' from English to Russian
NOUN   a steepness | steepnesses
SYNO abruptness | precipitousness | steepness
обрывистость {ж}steepness [e. g. of a hill or a slope]
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Translation for 'steepness' from English to Russian

steepness [e. g. of a hill or a slope]
обрывистость {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Various methods are employed to predict the possible steepness and period of these waves, in addition to their height.
  • Slope or gradient of a line describes its steepness, incline, or grade, in mathematics.
  • The road through Bencombe is regularly used by local cycling clubs for time trials due to the steepness of the hill which is often impassable during the winter snow/ice.
  • Due to the steepness of the northern side of Lachish the Assyrian Army attacked from the south, where the Jewish defenders situated themselves on the walls.
  • The steepness of the hill represents the slope of the function at that point.

  • In particular, the steepness and complexity of the response curve is a deciding factor for the filter order and feasibility.
  • The steepness, or gradient, of a cline reflects the extent of the differentiation in the character across a geographic range.
  • The road has suffered from chronic traffic congestion and inclement weather, as well as its topographical steepness.
  • Due to the steepness of the slope of the street, the sidewalks on both side feature a total of 74 stairs.
  • With 17.8 degrees (32.1%) incline it is the world's steepest giant slalom course in average gradient, with no flat sections, only steepness the whole time.

  • There is an additional, although more physically challenging route due to the steepness of the route, beginning approximately 2.5 km from Kurohime Station.
  • Other factors such as wave height and period, and wind strength and direction can also influence steepness and intensity of the break, but the major influence on the type and shape of breaking waves is determined by the slope of the seabed before the break.
  • The most frequented access route runs today through the north, by a path which presents no difficulty (besides its steepness), from the Cap de Long dam.
  • Due to the steepness of the bank, special operational procedures were required.
  • Bicycle lifts are powered mechanical systems for moving bicycles uphill. They are used where the steepness of a slope or other situations like subway crowds make riding uphill difficult.

  • Smaller transitions that maintain the steepness of their larger counterparts are commonly found in pools made for skating and in custom mini ramps.
  • This implies that large waves travel faster than small ones of the same frequency. This is only noticeable when the wave steepness [...] is large.
  • The line features some of the most steep climbs of the standard gauge, non-rack Italian rail system: from the Antrodoco-Borgo Velino station until the Sassa-Tornimparte station, where the line crosses the Apennine Mountains that divide Lazio from Abruzzo, it has a steepness of 35‰; the highest point of the line is the Sella di Corno railway station, at 989.28 metres on the sea level.
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