Translation for '
stela' from English to Russian
NOUN | a stela | stelae | |
SYNO | stela | stele |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Stela 22 was found buried under Stela 13. Six severely eroded glyphs are found on one side of this stela A possible date of A.D. 751 was suggested from a legible “Haab” glyph.
- Stela 3 is located by Structure 6, in the North Plaza just to the south of Stela 2.
- The Hamadab Stela, which dates to the first century BC, is made of sandstone.
- Stela 4 is situated on the east side of the Main Plaza in Group C, near the Twin Temples, just south of Stela 3 and north of Stela 5.
- Neferure is depicted on a stela from Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai dated to year 11.
- Stela 3 is another stela erected by Smoke Imix in the Great Plaza in AD 652.
- Stela 57 is a tall stela erected in 771 by B'olon K'awiil. It is paired with Stela 58 and stands to the east of Structure 13.
- Stela 66 is a plain stela dating to the Late Preclassic. It is found in the West Group, on Terrace 6.
- The lector priest Nakhtmin is known from a stela now in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.
- The Year 400 Stela, or Stela of Year 400, is an ancient Egyptian stela issued in the 13th century BCE.
- He has also published new sources (Karnak stela 94CL1013 and Cairo Museum stela BN311).
- Pantjeny is known from a single limestone stela "of exceptionally crude quality" found in Abydos by Flinders Petrie.
- The Bentresh Stela or Bakhtan Stela is an ancient Egyptian sandstone stela with a hieroglyphic text telling the story of Bentresh, daughter of the prince of Bakhtan (i.e. ...
- Elsewhere in the Speos, Panehesy is depicted on a stela located in the gallery.
- Stela 6 is slightly to the north of Stela 5, bearing hieroglyphic text. This stela was damaged in antiquity when the upper part was broken off and erected by an altar nearby.
- Stela 6, Stela 7, Stela 8 and Stela 9 are all either fragments or butts of stelae that were removed in the 1970s by FYDEP and are now lost.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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