 Translation for 'stem' from English to Russian
NOUN   a stem | stems
VERB   to stem | stemmed | stemmed
stemming | stems
SYNO base | bow | fore | ...
ствол {м}
стволовая клетка {ж}
stem cell
стволовые клетки {мн}
stem cells
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Autologous stem-cell transplantation is distinguished from allogenic stem cell transplantation where the donor and the recipient of the stem cells are different people.
  • The present stem tends to vary more, and in many common verbs bears little resemblance to the infinitive or past stem.
  • Stem cell proteomics is an omics that analyzes the proteomes of stem cells. Comparing different stem cell proteomes can reveal proteins that are important for stem cell differentiation.
  • Chorionic villi are a rich source of stem cells. Biocell Center, a biotech company managed by Giuseppe Simoni, is studying and testing these types of stem cells.
  • A stem cell line is a group of stem cells that is cultured in vitro and can be propagated indefinitely.

  • The final stem is the ŠD-stem, a form mostly attested only in poetic texts, and whose meaning is usually identical to either the Š-stem or the D-stem of the same verb.
  • The public in the United States has a general awareness of embryonic stem cells because of the stem cell controversy.
  • Modern Hebrew shows a limited set of mutation alternations, involving spirantization only. The consonants affected may be stem-initial, stem-medial, or stem-final.
  • A stem-cell approach might entail taking stem cells from the patient, editing the mutation with CRISR, and inserting the stem cells in the eye.
  • The larvae feed on "Juncus" species. Young larvae enter the stem of their host plant. Later, they move from this stem to another stem, and pupate within.

  • A stem is fastened to the worm and causes the stem to turn by attaching a gear, rack or stem carrier to the threading of the stem and pushing it through a stem-nut.
  • In 2009 Villeponteau cofounded Centagen, which is a biotech company dedicated to developing stem cell technologies that can rejuvenate human adult stem cells from blood, bone marrow, or adipose tissue.
  • Tooth regeneration is a stem cell based regenerative medicine procedure in the field of tissue engineering and stem cell biology to replace damaged or lost teeth by regrowing them from autologous stem cells.
  • Opting for research on Adult stem cells rather than Embryonic stem cells resulted amidst the stem cell controversy that involve diverse ethical concerns and religious groups, most prominently the Catholic Church.
  • It has a stout stem or peduncle, up to between [...] tall. [...] --> The stem is also taller than the stem of "I. susiana".

  • The semi mute-stem nouns have stems ending in [...] (nasal-stem nouns), [...] (liquid-stem nouns), [...] (sibilant-stem nouns).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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