Translation for '
stove' from English to Russian
NOUN | a stove | stoves | |
VERB | to stave | stove / staved | stove / staved staving | staves | |
SYNO | cooking stove | kitchen range | kitchen stove | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- During the winter (from 1 December until 31 March the following year), a 'stove train' is generally operated three times per day.
- Another method was to stoke an earthenware stove and, when fully heated, to cast them alive into the cavity of the stove.
- The Guatemala Stove Project works in partnership with CEDEC (Centro De Estudios Para El Desarrollo Y La Cooperacion), a non profit indigenous group from Quetzaltenango (Xela) Guatemala.
- In 1905 Velten had 38 stove factories that delivered 100,000 tiled stoves to Berlin, making Velten Germany's biggest stove-manufacturer.
- Dar means edge (peak) in Dotyali and Chula means fire stove, literally meaning a fire stove made of three stones (or peaks of three hills/mountains).
- A beverage-can stove is an example of a very lightweight alcohol stove for camping.
- The World's Largest Stove was an oversized reproduction of Michigan Stove Company's popular kitchen cooking stove.
- Cooking in an 1823 house would have involved using the fireplace and in the case of the Schencks a 10 plate stove and pipe.
- A hexamine stove, or hexi-stove, is a cooking stove that uses hexamine fuel tablets.
- By 2013, of the previously numerous stove manufacturers in Belleville, there remained only two descendants: Peerless-Premier and Empire Comfort Systems (formerly Empire Stove).
- "Increased hot stove effect for losses" – The hot stove effect is the finding that individuals avoid a risky alternative when the available information is limited to the obtained payoffs.
- The "Stube" (stove room) was heated by a five-plate stove fed from a small fireplace in the central hallway.
- This is special name for a windscreen stove. This type of stove was also used during the Tang dynasty when tea was boiled.
- Independent Chinese families are classified accordingly to the stove they possess.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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