 Translation for 'straight' from English to Russian
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ADJ   straight | straighter | straightest
NOUN   a straight | straights
SYNO consecutive | direct | directly | ...
прямо {adv}straight
напрямик {adv} [разг.]straight
натурал {м} [разг.]straight [coll.]
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Although less common than straight-four engines and straight-six engines, straight-five engines have occasionally been used by automobile manufacturers since the late 1930s, particularly the Mercedes Benz's diesel engines from 1974 to 2006 and Audi's petrol engines from 1979 to the present.
  • Because its two threads run straight and parallel, a straight stitch is not natively stretchable.
  • There is also a 3f chute that joins the track where the top bend meets the straight, providing a 1m straight course, purported to be the only 'Straight Mile' in the UK that is straight and level.
  • Straight-ticket voting options differ from state to state.
  • The Lady Bulldogs have won six straight championships, including a winning streak of 100 straight games.

  • Volvo began a line of modular engines in 1990, with straight-four, straight-five, and straight-six variants. In 2016 the last Volvo Modular engine was produced.
  • The straight cornett has a straight, conical body.
  • A straight flag or heterosexual flag is a pride flag intended to represent heterosexuality.
  • Chrysler introduced a straight-four derivative of their new flathead straight-six in 1926.
  • An outside straight draw, also called up and down, double-ended straight draw or open-ended straight draw, is a hand with four of the five needed cards in sequence (and could be completed on either end) that may improve to a straight.

  • "Bitaunioceras" is a genus of Permian orthocerids with a gradually expanding, straight, orthodontic shell with straight transverse sutures and a small, subcentral siphuncle with straight tubular orthochromatic necks.
  • Longest Ivy League winning streak – 20 straight games (2001–2004).
  • Straight-chain molecules are often not literally straight, in the sense that their bond angles are often not 180°, but the name reflects that they are schematically straight.
  • In Japan, a different variation calls for lost upper teeth to be thrown straight down to the ground and lower teeth straight up into the air; the idea is that incoming teeth will grow in straight.
  • The long back straight of the road course which had grandstands running its entire [...] length became the front straight of the Speedway, with the pits located in the area between the straight and the pit straight of the road course.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!