 Translation for 'substantial' from English to Russian
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ADJ   substantial | more substantial | most substantial
SYNO hearty | material | real | ...
значительный {adj} [существенный]substantial
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
  • The substantial impact (or substantial affect) category relates to the power discussed in the Court's 1942 decision in "Wickard v.
  • Aristotle's doctrine of substantial form animating prime matter differs from Plato's theory of forms in several ways.
  • In November 1996, SoftQuad reported substantial revenue growth but also substantial losses.
  • The area did not see substantial development until the late 1960s with the construction of The Maples subdivision, and even today contains substantial undeveloped areas and a number of farms.
  • Ford enjoyed substantial support from Democratic leaders in Washington and Nashville and held a substantial lead in fundraising.

  • The plaintiff had only asserted copying by trying to show access and substantial similarity.
  • (b) that the data are not processed in such a way that substantial damage or substantial distress is, or is likely to be, caused to any data subject.
  • Increasing route capacity for a rail system requires substantial investment in infrastructure.
  • It is a rare example of a substantial masonry Sunday School building, and demonstrates the principal characteristics of a substantial Ipswich building by architect George Brockwell Gill.
  • Kristang also had a substantial influence on Macanese, the creole language spoken in Macau, due to substantial migration from Malacca after its conquest by the Dutch.

  • PHP 8's JIT compiler can provide substantial performance improvements for some use cases, Substantial improvements are expected more for mathematical-type operations than for common web-development use cases.
  • In assessing the adequacy of particulars, the trial court may have regard to a summary of the substantial facts.
  • The Nashya were at one time substantial landowners, generally known as jotedars.
  • Having to travel substantial distances every month adds substantial travel costs and more strain on the substantial caseload social workers have.
  • Thus each year the society arranged several public lectures on substantial themes, delivered by substantial thinkers such as Horace Mann, George Bancroft and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • Fundamental errors are similar to substantial errors; however, the definition of a "substantial error" may differ slightly among the courts.
  • Through these measurements Gruetter was able to quantify the substantial metabolic "in vivo" flux of glutamate neurotransmission; to demonstrate "in vivo" via CO2 fixation that the anaplerotic metabolism in the brain is both important and quantitatively substantial; to prove that brain glycogen is available in substantial amounts as a relevant emergency energy reservoir in condition of glucose-deprivation, such as hypoglycemia, which is an important complication in diabetes; and to establish that astrocyte energy metabolism is substantial and that ATP synthesis predominantly occurs by oxidative metabolism.
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