 Translation for 'technique' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a technique | techniques
SYNO proficiency | technique
техника {ж} [методика, прием и т.п.]technique
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Translation for 'technique' from English to Russian

техника {ж} [методика, прием и т.п.]
Usage Examples English
  • It is an additive technique as opposed to more traditional subtracting technique like etching.
  • The STAR technique is similar to the SOARA technique (Situation, Objective, Action, Result, Aftermath).
  • The cooperative diversity technique is a kind of multi-user MIMO technique.
  • In 2005, the technique of lock bumping was brought to public attention when members of TOOOL first drafted a white paper describing the technique, then went on a Dutch national television show, "Nova", to describe the technique to the general public.
  • Amniocentesis technique differs in twin pregnancies and requires additional operator training. The two different approaches are the single-needle technique and two-needle insertion technique.

  • In addition to the tempera technique, fresco was his favourite technique. Many subjects such as the lace workers, landscapes, animals and intimate subjects were developed using this technique.
  • As an alternative, sinus augmentation can be performed by a less invasive osteotome technique.
  • Single-rope technique is used in contrast to double-rope technique (DRT), also known as moving-rope technique.
  • (This technique of "log-likelihood ratios" is a common technique in statistics.
  • Micheva co-developed the Array Tomography technique with Stephen J Smith.

  • The technique fascinated him, and he began at 65 years old a photographer career, always using the same technique in a rather surrealist technique.
  • Kinetic Pointillism is a technique used in painting, where an image is created with points of color applied in patterns of movement, with the intention of reinforcing the message of the artwork.
  • Although volume technique is less developed than pitch technique, some thereminists have worked to extend it, especially Pamelia Kurstin with her "walking bass" technique and Rupert Chappelle.
  • Langbeinites crystals can be made by the Bridgman technique, Czochralski process or flux technique.
  • Mandac has been teaching vocal technique and music interpretation since 1987. Her vocal technique is based on the principles of the bel canto technique, and incorporating ideas encouraged by yoga.

  • In multicriteria classification problem, the indirect technique is known as "preference disaggregation analysis".
  • The difference between the Bridgman technique and Stockbarger technique is subtle: While both methods utilize a temperature gradient and a moving crucible, the Bridgman technique utilizes the relatively uncontrolled gradient produced at the exit of the furnace; the Stockbarger technique introduces a baffle, or shelf, separating two coupled furnaces with temperatures above and below the freezing point.
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