 Translation for 'this time' from English to Russian
In eigener Sache: Wir versuchen derzeit, ein Wörterbuch für Ukrainisch-Deutsch aufzubauen und würden uns über Sprachaufnahmen oder Übersetzungsvorschläge freuen!
на этот раз {adv}this time
Partial Matches
этот {pron}this
сегодня днем {adv}this afternoon
так {adv} [таким образом]this way
сюда {adv} [как указание]this way
таким образом {adv}this way
таким образом {adv}in this way
unverified для сравненияto put this into perspective
с этого дня {adv}from this day onwards
заключить настоящий контракт [сов.]
to enter into this contract
Куда ведёт эта дорога?Where does this road go to?
Куда эта дорога? [разг.]Where does this road go to?
Можно я возьму это с собой?Can I take this with me?
время {с}time
лучшее эфирное время {с}
prime time
планковское время {с}
Planck time
часовой пояс {м}time zone
раз {м}time [occasion]
свободное время {с}leisure time
путешествие {с} во времениtime travel
unverified назначенное время {noun}fixed time
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • During this time in the taiga, Tarkovsky decided to study film.
  • It was during this time that he mentored Braudel, who would become one of the best-known exponents of this school.
  • These texts took the form of stories about texts and objects being conferred upon the Emperors by Heaven and comprising these ancient sage-king's (this is how the Zhou emperors were referred to by this time, about 500 years after their peak) royal regalia.
  • The Moon-Regan Trans Antarctic Expedition this time traversed the entire continent twice, using two six-wheel-drive vehicles and a Concept Ice Vehicle designed by Lotus.
  • His reign is notable for the peaceful state of the Empire, with no major revolts or military incursions during this time.

  • The landed gentry and aristocracy ruled Britain at this time.
  • Moreover, by this time Fresnel had a new, simpler explanation of his equations on chromatic polarization.
  • During this time, Armenia gave shelter to approximately 419,000 refugees and displaced persons, 360,000 of whom migrated from Azerbaijan.
  • It was during this time he met the Countess Vera Rossakoff, a glamorous jewel thief.
  • No prophecies were issued during this time. From his father Zeus, Apollo had also received a golden chariot drawn by swans.

  • Textual analysis suggested that Christie may have begun to develop Alzheimer's disease or other dementia at about this time.
  • Most of Spider-Man's key villains and supporting characters were introduced during this time.
  • In 2014, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) added argon and xenon to the list of prohibited substances and methods, although at this time there is no reliable test for abuse.
  • As well, several (though not all) of the stories that were compiled to make up the novels "The Weapon Shops of Isher", "The Mixed Men" and "The War Against the Rull" were published during this time.
  • Andersson and Ulvaeus were at this time recording their first album together, "Lycka", which was to be released in September 1970.

  • There are several other initiatives around the world involving humanoid research and development at this time, which will hopefully introduce a broader spectrum of realized technology in the near future.
  • , when another leap second was put into effect, This combined time scale is published monthly in "Circular T", and is the canonical TAI. This time scale is expressed in the form of tables of differences UTC − UTC("k") (equal to TAI − TAI("k")) for each participating institution "k".
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