 Translation for 'till' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a till | tills
NOUN2   till [geol.] | -
VERB   to till | tilled | tilled
tilling | tills
SYNO boulder clay | cashbox | money box | ...
до {prep}till
unverified до тех по́р, пока́ {conj}till
касса {ж} [аппарат]till [esp. Br.]
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Translation for 'till' from English to Russian

до {prep}

unverified до тех по́р, пока́ {conj}

till [esp. Br.]
касса {ж} [аппарат]
Usage Examples English
  • Till plains are regions of flat to gently sloping topography, composed of till deposited by a melting glacier.
  • He was the secretary of the forum till 1976, and its vice president till his death.
  • There are a number of primary (till class 5), secondary (till class 8) and high schools (till class 10/SSC) in Hub, including an English Language Center, Government Degree College, private college and public library each.
  • The Glacial till plains are a till plain landform in Northern Ohio, located near the shore of Lake Erie and created by the retreat of the Wisconsin glaciation.
  • Though till is generally unstratified, till high in clay may show lamination due to compaction under the weight of overlying ice.

  • This site has Quaternary till, unsorted glacial sediments, with a depth of up to five metres.
  • Tillage is dominant in agriculture today, but no-till methods may have success in some contexts.
  • Nazih El Bizri mayor of Sidon from 1952 till 1959.
  • Most of the valley of Long Run is on a glacial or resedimented till known as the Wisconsinan Bouldery Till.
  • The 180 km-long motorway has six lanes till Haripur, after which it is a four-lane road till Mansehra, and narrows down to two lanes till Thakot.

  • Från Paris till Göteborg från Asien till Afrika det finns nåt för allas smak på franska skolan.
  • Albert d’Anethan served for 17 years in Japan, with the exception of home leaves from March 1897 till December 1897, from December 1901 till November 1902, from August 1906 till March 1907, and from March 1909 till January 1910.
  • Not: Reşadiye (İskefsir till 1909) was nahiya center in Hamidiye kaza of Sanjak of Karahisar-ı Şarki till 1906.
  • Kofod-Svendsen was party leader from 1979 till 1990, when he was succeeded by Jann Sjursen. He was a member of parliament from 1984 till 1993 and from 1998 till 2001.
  • Habib, Chairman (till 2000), Rashid D. Habib, CEO & Managing Director (till 1994), Abbas D.

  • Previously it used to run till [...] but now is extended till Jaipur.
  • Eklund Johan, Norlin Pernilla, red (2018). Festskrift till Pontus Braunerhjelm. [...]: Entreprenörskapsforum. Libris länk. [...] - festskrift till Braunerhjelms 65-årsdag.
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