 Translation for 'to be due' from English to Russian
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SYNO to be due | to flow from
быть должнымto be due
Partial Matches
должное {с} [то, что причитается]due
срок {м} исполнения обязательстваdue date
долг {м} [денежный и т. п.]due [debt]
благодаря {prep} [+dat.]due to
срок {м} возврата [долгов и т.п.]
date due
срок {м} платежаdue date
наступать [о сроке платежа] [несов.]to become due
подобающий {adj}due [attention, consideration, credit]
из-за {prep} [+gen.]due to [because of]
должный {adj} [подобающий]due [attention, consideration, credit]
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]to be
возвратиться [сов.]to be back
unverified подразумева́ться [несов.] [возвр.]be implied
Наберись терпения!Be patient!
unverified входить [несов.]to be included
быть инвалидом [несов.]to be disabled
бериллий {м} <Be>
beryllium <Be>
быть в состоянии [несов.]to be able
обрадоваться [чему-л.] [сов.]to be delighted
быть удовлетворённым {adj}to be satisfied
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • This is a non-conventional thermoremanent magnetization because it appears to be due to a chemical remanent process which is induced as taenite is cooled to kamacite.
  • He believes this to be due to a linguistic substratum.
  • They knew that the pancreas was involved in the secretion of digestive fluids after the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines, which they believed to be due to the nervous system.
  • The delay is thought to be due to the book's many woodcuts.
  • This is believed to be due to emission of jets, which were not distributed evenly across the comet's surface.

  • This was thought to be due to the presence of phosphoric acid, and the risk for women was found to be greater for sugared and caffeinated colas than diet and decaffeinated variants, with a higher intake of cola correlating with lower bone density.
  • The behavior of a complex system is often said to be due to emergence and self-organization.
  • The reddish haze was revealed to be due to complex organic molecules constantly raining down onto Titan's surface.
  • In coastal California, coyotes now consume a higher percentage of marine-based food than their ancestors, which is thought to be due to the extirpation of the grizzly bear from this region.
  • However, bloodletting and leeching were common unvalidated interventions used until the 19th century, as many diseases were incorrectly thought to be due to an excess of blood, according to Hippocratic medicine.

  • Such rejections are said to be due to model mis-specification.
  • The extension of the vines along the Mediterranean seems to be due to the colonization of the Greeks and the Phoenicians who introduced the cultivation of olive oil.
  • The evolution of the industrial melanism mutation has been shown to be due to the insertion of a transposable element into the first intron of the "cortex" gene, resulting in an increase in the abundance of the "cortex" transcript, which is expressed in developing wings.
  • This was originally thought to be due to secular redward (lower temperature) evolution across the Cepheid instability strip, but it may be due to interference between the primary and the first-overtone pulsation modes.
  • deep surrounds the base of Olympus Mons and is thought to be due to the volcano's immense weight pressing down on the Martian crust.

  • This appeared to be due to a new type of mine, detecting ships by their proximity to the mine (an influence mine) and detonating at a distance, causing damage with the shock wave of the explosion.
  • The main cause of these injuries is believed to be due to incorrect landing.
  • Migraine is believed to be due to a mixture of environmental and genetic factors.
  • Another form of sterile endocarditis is termed Libman–Sacks endocarditis; this form occurs more often in patients with lupus erythematosus and is thought to be due to the deposition of immune complexes.
  • The poor fertility in males is thought to be due to problems with sperm development; however, it may also be related to not being sexually active.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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