 Translation for 'to be guilty of' from English to Russian
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быть виновным вto be guilty of
Partial Matches
виноватый {adj}guilty
виновный {adj}guilty
устать от [+gen.]to be tired of
бояться [+gen.] [несов.]to be afraid of
любить [чувствовать склонность] [несов.]to be fond of
ревновать [несов.]
to be jealous of
знать о [+prep.] [сознавать] [несов.]to be aware of
завидовать [несов.]
to be jealous of
быть уверенным в чём-л.to be sure of sth.
гордиться чем-л. [несов.]to be proud of sth.
unverified входить [несов.]to be a part of
быть способным на что-л.to be capable of sth.
быть безработным [несов.]to be out of work
unverified не иметь опытаto be out of practice
не знать о чём-л.to be unaware of sth.
unverified подвергаться рискуto be in danger of
бояться привиденийto be afraid of ghosts
относиться с подозрением к кому-л./чему-л.to be wary of sb./sth.
unverified заслуживать особого упоминанияbe worthy of special notice
потерять рассудок [сов.]to be out of one's mind
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Newman", the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit cited the Supreme Court's decision in "Dirks", and ruled that for a "tippee" (a person who used information they received from an insider) to be guilty of insider trading, the tippee must have been aware not only that the information was insider information, but must also have been aware that the insider released the information for an improper purpose (such as a personal benefit).
  • On 10 December 2013, Permanent People's Tribunal unanimously ruled Sri Lanka guilty of the crime of genocide against the Tamil people, while the US and UK were found to be guilty of complicity to this crime.
  • While states have put forward somewhat muted complaints in recent years, non-governmental organizations continue to 'name and shame' states that have shown themselves to be guilty of human rights infractions.
  • For his decision, SAC Chairman Panya Tantiyavarong was later found by the Criminal Court to be guilty of malfeasance and was sentenced to serve three years in jail.
  • The Court later (October 23) found the defendants to be guilty of the sexual offences alleged against them, which created turmoil as the defendants included the islands' mayor, Steve Christian, direct descendant of leading "Bounty" mutineer Fletcher Christian.

  • The two were found to be guilty of "tendentious reporting", and the paper was forced to issue a correction.
  • Considered to be guilty of only minor offences at first, Auction World claimed they would improve their service.
  • Wives had an extreme sense of loyalty for their husbands and those found to be guilty of adultery were known to be executed.
  • Still, while the Supreme Court agreed discussions with the government is "unquestionably" a form of expression, the government did not seem to be guilty of suppressing any expression and thus the claim was dismissed.
  • This law states if someone is found to be guilty of psychological, mental and physical violence the perpetrator will be fined or face jail time.

  • In that case, their effectiveness depends on their "in personam" character, as a party who is found to be guilty of disposing of assets will be held to be in contempt of court.
  • This section provides that a person in order to be guilty of theft had the intention of permanently depriving the other of the property.
  • There are two schools of thought concerning whose actions can cause the defendant to be guilty of felony murder.
  • The definitions of specific crimes refer to these degrees to establish the mens rea (mental state) necessary for a person to be guilty of a crime.
  • Although his own testimony showed him to be guilty of the charge, he was found not guilty on 25 September 1937.

  • United States" that illegal immigrants cannot be prosecuted for identity theft if they use "made-up" Social Security numbers that they do not know belong to someone else; to be guilty of identity theft with regard to social security numbers, they must know that the social security numbers that they use belong to others.
  • The strike lasted more than two years and featured a secondary boycott of the station led by the unions, leading to the loss of several advertising contracts; at various times, both parties were found to be guilty of unfair labor practices.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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