 Translation for 'to bid' from English to Russian
VERB1   to bid | bid / bade | bid / bidden
bidding | bids
VERB2   to bid [for sth.] | bid | bid
bidding | bids
SYNO bid | bidding | command | ...
приказывать [несов.]to bid [command]
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Translation for 'to bid' from English to Russian

to bid [command]
приказывать [несов.]
Usage Examples English
  • His death was mourned by the diverse community of Konya, with local Christians and Jews joining the crowd that converged to bid farewell as his body was carried through the city.
  • Before leaving, Rebecca comes to Rowena shortly after the wedding to bid her a solemn farewell.
  • As part of this process, in 1986 British Telecom created a Manx-registered subsidiary company, Manx Telecom, to bid for the tender.
  • 9 million toward development costs and allowing its companies to bid for the construction contracts.
  • Luton Council's strategic vision for the Arts, and Cultural and Creative industries includes the plan to bid for City of Culture Status.

  • A tender portal is a gateway for government suppliers to bid on providing goods and services.
  • In 2016 Raytheon announced that it had been authorised to bid SkyCeptor, a Stunner derivative, as part of its Polish Patriot bid.
  • At the 167th BIE general assembly both South Korea and Russia indicated their intention to bid for this expo.
  • The situation improved in 1986 with a new Housing Development Board (HDB) tendering system, which allowed 7-Eleven to secure shops without having to bid too high a price.
  • Using either of the LTC method options thus provides guidance as to how high to bid in the auction.

  • A further emergency crowdfunding campaign began in August 2020 to raise funds to bid for a handwritten letter from Anning to William Buckland in 1829 about a box of coprolites (fossil poo) and a new plesiosaur she had discovered.
  • A "showcase" of prizes (currently two or three prizes) is presented and the top winner has the option of placing a bid on the total value of the showcase or passing the showcase to the runner-up, who is then required to bid.
  • When confronted with a hand that is more-or-less even in two different suits, it is customary to bid on the suit with a higher point value.
  • Finally, any prospective host city planning to bid for the Games is required to add a "legacy plan" to their proposal, with a view to the long-term economic and environmental impact that hosting the Olympics will have on the region.
  • Bede's name reflects West Saxon "Bīeda" ( "Bǣda", Anglian "Bēda"). It is an Old English short name formed on the root of "bēodan" "to bid, command".

  • The bonus points awarded for making a game contract far outweigh the penalty for going one off, so it is best strategy in the long run to bid game contracts such as this one.
  • One could agree to bid up the line, or support partner's suit first.
  • Originally the Government allowed private companies to bid for Railtrack plc.
  • A related though different style of bidding is for the players to bid individually, and partners' bids are then summed.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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