 Translation for 'to bite' from English to Russian
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VERB   to bite | bit | bitten
biting | bites
SYNO bit | bite | chomp | ...
кусать [несов.]to bite
грызть ногти [несов.]to bite one's nails
откинуть копыта [разг.] [идиом.]to bite the dust [coll.] [to die] [idiom]
перекусить [сов.] [разг.] [немного поесть]to grab a bite [coll.]
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Most of the muscle in an alligator's jaw evolved to bite and grip prey.
  • The 1967 Championship was essentially an internal affair within the Brabham Racing Organisation team for most of the year, but the new Lotus 49 gave Jim Clark and Graham Hill the opportunity to bite back.
  • This requires being still or slow movements, which allow insects to bite the cat more easily.
  • During the adult stage, Lyme disease transmission is less common due to the fact that it is less possible for adult ticks to bite humans and because they tend to be larger in size and therefore can be easily seen and removed.
  • ... "to bite").

  • Soldiers had to bite the cartridges with their teeth before loading them into their rifles, ingesting the fat.
  • In its report, the World Bank says most of the world's major economies are resorting to protectionist measures as the global economic slowdown begins to bite.
  • Coverdale attributed this change of heart over new music to a need for "new meat to bite into" in order keep touring interesting.
  • Due to their lack of speed and their inability to bite or sting, millipedes' primary defence mechanism is to curl into a tight coil – protecting their delicate legs inside an armoured exoskeleton.
  • To annoy Heracles, Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate them and scatter them.

  • Injuries continued to bite the Bullets as key players Rex Chapman and Calbert Cheaney (the club's first-round draft pick) missed significant stretches, and Ellison missed almost the entire season.
  • Andy Warhol's 1963 silkscreen "The Kiss" depicts Lugosi from "Dracula" about to bite into the neck of co-star Helen Chandler, who played Mina Harker.
  • The disease can also lead to a drive to bite others and to a bloody frothing at the mouth.
  • The tooth may become tender to bite on. Here, the "occlusal adjustment" has already taken place inadvertently, and the adjustment aims to return to the pre-existing occlusion.
  • When hunting larger animals, tigers prefer to bite the throat and use their powerful forelimbs to hold onto the prey, often simultaneously wrestling it to the ground.

  • led sanctions may be "beginning to bite" as Iranian currency has recently lost some 12% of its value.
  • The genus name is from Ancient Greek "karpos", "fruit" and "dakno", "to bite", and the specific "erythrinus" is from Latin "erythros", "red".
  • Bull sharks are one of the three shark species (along with the tiger shark and great white shark) most likely to bite humans.
  • In Scotland, this may be called "dooking" During an annual celebration, young unmarried people try to bite into an apple floating in water or hanging from a string on a line; the first person to bite into the apple would be the next one to be allowed to marry.
  • They are calmer and less likely to bite; they can tolerate greater crowding; they breed earlier and produce more offspring; and their brains, livers, kidneys, adrenal glands, and hearts are smaller (Barnett 2002).

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