 Translation for 'to die' from English to Russian
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VERB   to die | died | died
dying | dies
SYNO dice | die | to become flat | ...
пропа́сть [перен.] [разг.] [погибнуть] [сов.]to die
умирать [несов.]to die
скончатьсяto die
угасать [несов.]to die down
вымереть [исчезнуть с лица земли] [сов.]to die out [become extinct]
вымирать [исчезать с лица земли] [несов.]to die out [become extinct]
умереть от рака [сов.]to die of cancer
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • As many Virginian settlers began to die from harsh conditions, more and more Africans were brought to work as laborers.
  • When they allow their unwanted children to die of exposure, they unmask their sin.
  • Ahmad Shah Durrani accused Sultan Shah of having caused the Afaqi brothers to die.
  • Because of climate change, insects that used to die off over the winter are now alive and multiplying.
  • Therefore, it is considered a martyrdom as each spouse learns to die to self for the sake of the other.

  • Yima is believed to have been the first king on earth to rule, as well as the first man to die.
  • He was famously said to have encouraged himself by murmuring "Konstantí, you are going to die" every time he was approaching a Turkish warship on the fire boat he was about to detonate.
  • For example English "starve" and Dutch "sterven" 'to die' or German "sterben" 'to die' all descend from the same Proto-Germanic verb, "*sterbaną" 'to die'.
  • Later, when Creusa left Ion to die in the wild, Apollo asked Hermes to save the child and bring him to the oracle at Delphi, where he was raised by a priestess.
  • In the town of Oran, thousands of rats, initially unnoticed by the populace, begin to die in the streets.

  • Alexander Will, from Forfar in Scotland, was the first Black and Tan to die in the conflict. He was killed during an IRA attack on the RIC barracks in Rathmore, County Kerry, on 11 July 1920.
  • In Scottish folklore, a similar creature is known as the bean nighe or "ban nigheachain" (little washerwoman) or "nigheag na h-àth" (little washer at the ford) and is seen washing the bloodstained clothes or armour of those who are about to die.
  • She warns him that if Lady Lyndon were to die, Lord Bullingdon would inherit everything, and advises him to obtain a noble title to protect himself.
  • Simpson recalls: "I remember thinking, bloody hell, I'm going to die to Boney M".
  • However, by the end of World War II, pool and billiards began to die down once again.

  • It included a "Greenhouse Calculator" which aimed to help children to work out their carbon footprint by providing an estimate of the age a person needs to die if they are not to use more than their fair share of the Earth's resources.
  • An explanation for the sequence is suggested by the high casualties involved in foraging, making it an acceptable risk only for ants who are older and are likely to die soon of natural causes.
  • St George's day is the twenty-third of the month; and St Mark's Eve, with its superstition that the ghosts of those who are doomed to die within the year will be seen to pass into the church, falls on the twenty-fourth.
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