21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- When he went into the cave, they trapped him inside to get rid of him.
- All that is known definitely is that he used Cyprian and Carniolan bees, which were particularly aggressive to the annoyance of other monks and visitors of the monastery such that he was asked to get rid of them.
- In Sweden, voices have been raised to get rid of the word "innebandy" as name of the sport, to avoid confusions with bandy.
- That did not, however, stop the enrollment of Chileans in the Bolivian Army, and it has been argued that Chilean President Arturo Alessandri Palma secretly approved of the practice to get rid of potentially-troublesome elements of the military.
- Dom Pérignon was originally charged by his superiors at the Abbey of Hautvillers to get rid of the bubbles since the pressure in the bottles caused many of them to burst in the cellar.
- Plans were drawn up to demolish the old part of Christianshavn and to get rid of the worst of the city's slum areas.
- Several members of the SED "Politbüro" realised this was a serious blunder and made plans to get rid of him.
- The "ANNUL" (A) bit is used to get rid of some delay slots.
- Snowbell makes a deal with the Angora cat to eat Margalo to get rid of one of his temptations (reasoning that it's only wrong if he eats her).
- It was designed with the rules of the Fudge universal role-playing system in mind but added modifications necessary to get rid of the need for a gamemaster, distributing the responsibility for the game and story equally among all players and undoing the equivalence between player and character.
- Modern switching amplifiers need steep low pass filtering at the output to get rid of high-frequency switching noise and harmonics.
- wrote that in spring 1929, Bukharin told him that he had formed an alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev, and that they were planning to use individual terror (assassination) to get rid of Stalin.
- According to the Chronicle of Theophanes Justinian wanted to get rid of Konon and took back the money that had been given to him to help advance Byzantine interests, thus leaving Konon stranded in Alania.
- A fox's coat color and texture may vary due to the change in seasons; fox pelts are richer and denser in the colder months and lighter in the warmer months. To get rid of the dense winter coat, foxes moult once a year around April; the process begins from the feet, up the legs, and then along the back.
- When Heracles returned with the Erymanthian Boar, Eurystheus was again frightened and hid in his jar, begging Heracles to get rid of the beast; Heracles obliged.
- Investors benefit from liquid securities because they can sell their assets whenever they want; an illiquid security may force the seller to get rid of their asset at a large discount.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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