 Translation for 'to grind' from English to Russian
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VERB   to grind | ground | ground / [archaic] grounden
grinding | grinds
SYNO donkeywork | drudgery | dweeb | ...
размельчать [несов.]to grind
растереть [сов.] [измельчить]to grind
растирать [несов.] [измельчать]to grind
зубрила {м} [разг.] [презр.]grind [coll.] [pej.] [Am.]
зубрила {ж} [разг.] [презр.]grind [female] [coll.] [pej.] [Am.]
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Usage Examples English
  • A varnish oil medium was used as vehicle to grind his powdered pigments into paint and then used to help apply thin layers of paint which he could easily blend.
  • Grinding wheels and polishing agents are used to grind, shape and polish the smooth dome shape of the stones.
  • At one stage, during the General Strike of 1926, the salvage operation was about to grind to a halt due to a lack of coal to feed the many boilers for the water pumps and generators.
  • In archaeology, a grinding slab is a ground stone artifact generally used to grind plant materials into usable size, though some slabs were used to shape other ground stone artifacts.
  • In 1812 the nearby Mill Creek was used to power mills to grind grain into flour.

  • Molen Berg, built in 1854 at the Grintweg, was designed to grind corn.
  • Newly appointed coach Phil Walsh oversaw a rapidly improving team that became known for their skilled ball use and ability to grind out wins.
  • A water mill to grind corn was mentioned in the "Domesday Book".
  • He also taught humanity how to grind grain. He was also sometimes identified as the husband of Danaë, and therefore the father of Danaus and the ancestor of Turnus.
  • British gritstone was used for millstones to mill flour, to grind wood into pulp for paper and for grindstones to sharpen blades.

  • Cider presses often have attachments to grind the apples prior to pressing. Such combination devices are commonly referred to as cider mills.
  • Some of Murdoch's other minor inventions and experiments were: a machine developed in 1784 or 1785 in Cornwall for drilling wooden pipes, (in 1810 this was further developed and patented for stone pipes), a steam cannon which he attempted to use in 1803 to knock down a wall at Soho, a steam gun in the same year which fired 3 cm lead bullets, and machinery to grind and compress peat moss under great pressure to produce a material with "the appearance of the finest Jet".
  • Natural ultramarine is the most difficult pigment to grind by hand, and for all except the highest quality of mineral, sheer grinding and washing produces only a pale grayish blue powder.
  • It was first built to pump water, and subsequently modified to grind grain as well.
  • Perkin-Elmer intended to use custom-built and extremely sophisticated computer-controlled polishing machines to grind the mirror to the required shape.

  • Mark Potok of Southern Poverty Law Center responded that Wilcox "had an ax to grind for a great many years" and engaged in name calling against others doing anti-racist work.
  • For ground spices, to grind a whole spice, the classic tool is mortar and pestle.
  • The aardvark's stomach has a muscular pyloric area that acts as a gizzard to grind swallowed food up, thereby rendering chewing unnecessary.
  • Costa Rican chacmools gripped sculpted bowls; these chacmools also served ceremonial purposes although the bowl was used to grind foodstuffs.
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