 Translation for 'to hash' from English to Russian
VERB   to hash | hashed | hashed
hashing | hashes
SYNO haschisch | hash | hasheesh | ...
искажать [несов.]
to hash
разрушить/разрушать [сов./несов.]
to hash
кромсать [разг.]
to hash
забегаловка {ж} [разг.]
путаник {м}
кофейня {ж}
hash bar
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Translation for 'to hash' from English to Russian

to hash
unverified искажать [несов.]занятие

unverified разрушить/разрушать [сов./несов.]занятие

unverified кромсать [разг.]гастр.

unverified забегаловка {ж} [разг.]гастр.

unverified путаник {м}псих.социол.

hash bar
unverified кофейня {ж}гастр.нарк.
Usage Examples English
  • It has a similar appearance and external texture to hash browns.
  • at the outset and use the hyperplane to hash input vectors.
  • On February 12 the leaders of the two camps decided to meet in order to hash out a compromise.
  • It occurs after a hash collision causes two of the records in the hash table to hash to the same position, and causes one of the records to be moved to the next location in its probe sequence.
  • It is possible that one or more of the partitions still does not fit into the available memory, in which case the algorithm is recursively applied: an additional orthogonal hash function is chosen to hash the large partition into sub-partitions, which are then processed as before.

  • One of Waffle House's advertising campaigns used the phrase "scattered, smothered and covered," a reference to hash browns prepared with onions and cheese.
  • be reinterpreted as a byte string input to hash function.
  • An application of fusion trees to hash tables was given by Willard, who describes a data structure for hashing in which an outer-level hash table with hash chaining is combined with a fusion tree representing each hash chain.
  • With some time on his hands due to the pandemic, McMillen was able to hash out v1.25 for DOS on May 16, 2021.
  • URIs of real world things can be limited to 'hash URIs', that is URIs containing a fragment identifier.

  • This same "crypt" function is used both to generate a new hash for storage and also to hash a proffered password with a recorded salt for comparison.
  • It is employed for its ability to hash very large files in a very short period of time, even on older computers.
  • They kept on putting this off as they needed time to hash out the story.
  • Videos with very minimal changes in frames with respect to time are more vulnerable to hash collision.
  • Mediation is usually a great way for a plaintiff and defendant to sit down with a neutral arbiter to hash out their differences and come to a resolution that is usually better than continued litigation.

  • According to the submission document, the name "Grøstl" is a multilingual play-on-words, referring to an Austrian dish that is very similar to hash (food).
  • Representatives for the pair met but were unable to hash out a deal.
  • The initial [...] bits of the Thue–Morse sequence are mapped to 0 by a wide class of polynomial hash functions modulo a power of two, which can lead to hash collisions.
  • Proposition: There is a polynomial time reduction from discrete log on the cyclic group of order [...] on elliptic curves to Hash-Collision.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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