 Translation for 'to live off sb sth' from English to Russian
жить за счёт кого-л./чего-л.to live off sb./sth.
Partial Matches
ругать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]to tell sb. off for sth.
наебать кого-л. [сов.] [неценз.]
to rip sb. off [coll.]
высаживать кого-л. [несов.]to drop sb. off [from a vehicle]
выделять что-л. [несов.] [источать]to give sth. off
срывать что-л. [несов.] [отрывать]to pull sth. off [tear off]
избегать разговора о чём-л. [несов.]to keep off sth. [esp. Br.]
сомневаться в ком-л./чём-л. [несов.]to doubt sb./sth.
столкнуться с кем-л./чем-л. [случайно встретить] [сов.]to encounter sb./sth.
восхвалять кого-л./что-л. [несов.]to laud sb./sth.
манипулировать кем-л./чем-л. [несов.]to manipulate sb./sth.
обожать кого-л./что-л. [несов.]to adore sb./sth.
отказывать кому-л. в чём-л. [несов.]to refuse sb. sth.
игнорировать кого-л./что-л. [сов./несов.]to ignore sb./sth.
купить что-л. у кого-л. [несов.]to buy sth. from sb.
глумиться над кем-л./чем-л. [несов.]to mock sb./sth. [ridicule]
лишать кого-л. чего-л.to deprive sb. of sth.
наказывать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]to punish sb. for sth.
прощать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]to forgive sb. (for) sth.
обвинять кого-л. в чём-л. [несов.]to accuse sb. of sth.
упоминать кого-л./что-л. [несов.] [ссылаться]to allude to sb./sth.
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Translation for 'to live off sb sth' from English to Russian

to live off sb./sth.
жить за счёт кого-л./ чего-л.

to tell sb. off for sth.
ругать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]
to rip sb. off [coll.]
наебать кого-л. [сов.] [неценз.]идиом.
to drop sb. off [from a vehicle]
высаживать кого-л. [несов.]
to give sth. off
выделять что-л. [несов.] [источать]
to pull sth. off [tear off]
срывать что-л. [несов.] [отрывать]
to keep off sth. [esp. Br.]
избегать разговора о чём-л. [несов.]
to doubt sb./sth.
сомневаться в ком-л./чём-л. [несов.]
to encounter sb./sth.
столкнуться с кем-л./чем-л. [случайно встретить] [сов.]
to laud sb./sth.
восхвалять кого-л./что-л. [несов.]
to manipulate sb./sth.
манипулировать кем-л./чем-л. [несов.]
to adore sb./sth.
обожать кого-л./что-л. [несов.]
to refuse sb. sth.
отказывать кому-л. в чём-л. [несов.]
to ignore sb./sth.
игнорировать кого-л./что-л. [сов./несов.]
to buy sth. from sb.
купить что-л. у кого-л. [несов.]
to mock sb./sth. [ridicule]
глумиться над кем-л./чем-л. [несов.]
to deprive sb. of sth.
лишать кого-л. чего-л.
to punish sb. for sth.
наказывать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]
to forgive sb. (for) sth.
прощать кого-л. за что-л. [несов.]
to accuse sb. of sth.
обвинять кого-л. в чём-л. [несов.]
to allude to sb./sth.
упоминать кого-л./что-л. [несов.] [ссылаться]
Usage Examples English
  • With new technological advances it is becoming more and more common to vacationers and full time travelers to live off the grid while still having access to internet making remote working feasible.
  • 3rd year students who are allowed to live off campus through graduate students have several university owned, university controlled, and independent apartment options.
  • Students may leave campus housing when they are 20 years old, have junior class status, have petitioned and been approved to live off campus by Campus Housing, or are graduate students.
  • The high-density residential neighborhood around the university provides additional housing for students who opt to live off campus.
  • In Greece for example, the disease forced the migration of people who could no longer afford to live off chestnut trees.

  • The Umayyads delayed their campaign late in the year probably because the army needed to live off the land as they advanced.
  • Each Boer commando unit was sent to the district from which its members had been recruited, which meant that they could rely on local support and personal knowledge of the terrain and the towns within the district thereby enabling them to live off the land.
  • Living in such primitive conditions was a daunting task, but they managed to live off the land, and work on their academic goals, by collecting and studying zoological and botanical specimens.
  • Having learned to live off the land, he took minimal provisions for the eight Europeans and two Home Guard Crees who accompanied him.
  • Benjamin was a humble man who worked with his own hands to maintain himself and his family, refusing to live off his people or to surround himself with the trappings of wealth and power.

  • They were usually recruited from the most able members of the Home Guard, possessed excellent local knowledge and were able to live off the land.
  • Ginevra keeps in contact with Lucy through letters that show the young coquette has not changed and expects to live off of her uncle's (Basompierre's) good graces.
  • She argued that authors are expected "to live off that vapourous substance "prestige" and suggested that the uncompensated use of Canadian writers' work is a violation of copyright.
  • Although he had struggled to make a living on his compositions prior to this point in his career, this was the decade in which Somers no longer needed to hold a permanent position at any establishment and instead was able to live off of his commissions alone.
  • Romita was promoted to corporal after seven or eight months; now allowed to live off the post, he rented an apartment in Brooklyn.

  • On-campus housing or living at home is required for freshmen and sophomores; however, juniors and seniors may elect to live off-campus with friends.
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