 Translation for 'to pack up' from English to Russian
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упаковывать [несов.]to pack (up)
Partial Matches
вьюк {м}pack
стая {ж} [собак, волков]
тюк {м}pack [bale]
паковать что-л. [несов.]to pack sth. [suitcase, bag etc.]
наверх {adv}up
копить [несов.]to save up
завестись [сов.] [о машине и т.п.]
to start up
unverified разжигать огоньfire up
unverified подытожитьto add up
разминка {ж}
Руки вверх!Hands up!
unverified разоблачать [несов.]to show up
unverified давать приют (гостям)to put up
unverified поднимать вопросto bring up
Замолчи!Shut up!
набирать высоту [несов.]to soar (up)
торопитьсяto hurry (up)
повышаться [несов.] [о ценах]to soar (up)
израсходовать [сов.]to use up
наполнять [несов.]to fill up
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • When he saw an advertisement for doctors in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, Savage decided to pack up his family and move across the ocean to continue his medical practice in 1967.
  • On his return to Erinsborough with the intention to pack up and move to the States permanently, Tad is the victim of identity theft when his passport is stolen and he has allegedly run up thousands of dollars in debt.
  • In 2013, the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) sought the ability to pack up an MQ-9 in less than eight hours, fly it anywhere in the world aboard a C-17 Globemaster III, and then have it ready to fly in another eight hours to support special operations teams at places with no infrastructure.
  • Philip gets a new job in Darwin, he and Ruth are keen to pack up and move, but Hannah is reluctant at first as she feels she will be leaving behind memories of various friends and family who have died in the years previous, but she agrees to leave and in 1999 they bid farewell to Erinsborough.
  • The arrival the previous February of the first Continental Army troops in the city had prompted some people to pack up and leave, including Loyalists who were specifically targeted by the army and Patriots.

  • On 9 November, only five days after Jackson left his command, the brigade received orders for them to pack up camp and march to Manassas Junction, where they were expected to board the train and return to the Valley.
  • The stagecoach arrives and Cable gets ready to pack up when suddenly another motorcar appears.
  • The relationship had caused Binion's estranged wife and daughter to pack up and leave for Texas.
  • The following day he began to pack up his office.
  • After a quiet Summer, Lucas prepares to pack up and leave for University.

  • The driver of this invention was the need for each piece to pack up quickly into a portable package, with minimal complication.
  • Coach Smart takes the Power to a regular season 7–0 record before he has to pack up.
  • Santos Hernandez in fact does make an appearance later on ordering the lab to pack up and leave.
  • Angered by the insanity and misunderstandings, Penelope decides to pack up and leave immediately ("How can an author write in a madhouse like this? ...
  • The Pike's Peak Gold Rush sent many Americans into a frenzy, prompting them to pack up their belongings and head to Colorado.

  • Left with eighteen corsairs out of his former hundred, Greypatch finally decided to pack up and return to the "Darkqueen".
  • Once the contestant is eliminated on the results night, he/she will head back immediately to Mount Emily to pack up his/her belongings and head back home.
  • Staff were given 30 minutes' notice to pack up and leave, some had worked there for over 40 years.
  • Central time, "Endeavours crew were starting to pack up while final radar observations of earth were made and STS-59 wound down, aiming toward a 10:52 am central landing Tuesday.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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