 Translation for 'to point out' from English to Russian
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SYNO to call attention | to comment | to notice | ...
обращать (чье-л.) внимание [несов.]to point out
Partial Matches
показывать на [несов.]to point at
место {с} встречиmeeting point
сущность {ж}main point
точка {ж} перегиба кривой
inflection point
перекрёсток {м}intersection (point)
автодром {м} [для испытаний автомобилей]
vehicle testing point
указывать на что-л. [несов.]to point at sth.
восклицательный знак {м} <!>
exclamation point <!> [Am.]
точка {ж} зренияpoint of view
Дело в том, что ...The point is that...
точка {ж}point [particular place or position]
unverified не видеть смысла что-л. делатьto have no point in doing smth.
из {prep} [+gen.]out
выделяться [несов.]to stand out
испытывать [несов.]to try out
unverified протянутьto stretch out
читать вслухto read out
стирать [несов.] [ластиком]to rub out
тайм-аут {м}time out
наизнанку {adv}
inside out
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Plato's "Euthyphro dilemma" is a dialogue written to point out the inconsistencies of this philosophy.
  • He states very plainly that he himself is in favour of socialism but feels it necessary to point out reasons why many people, who would benefit from socialism, and should logically support it, are in practice likely to be strong opponents.
  • The word "moskvich" (...) itself translates as "a native of Moscow, a Moscovite". It was used to point out the original location of the cars manufactured there.
  • The writers chose the phrase "I didn't do it" because they wanted a "lousy" phrase "to point out how really crummy things can become really popular".
  • e. to point out which beliefs are justified and why.

  • The amateur detective Philip Trent is able to point out that it in fact bears the post-1837 royal arms.
  • In these cases, the term was used to point out how family members of the ruling leaders become extremely wealthy with no non-political justification.
  • "Tituli" are included in many scenes to point out names of people and places or to explain briefly the event being depicted.
  • It is noteworthy to point out that Quranists (those who do not integrate the aforementioned Hadiths into their belief system) do not advocate capital punishment, while still condemning male homosexuality as an abomination and major sin.
  • Malachi quickly goes on to point out that the people have not been faithful.

  • Pauling also studied enzyme reactions and was among the first to point out that enzymes bring about reactions by stabilizing the transition state of the reaction, a view which is central to understanding their mechanism of action.
  • She was one of the first journalists to point out that a large portion of bloggers are professionals and that a well-written blog can help attract employers.
  • Wittgenstein begins "Philosophical Investigations" with a quote from Augustine's "Confessions", which represents the view that language serves to point out objects in the world, and the view that he will be criticizing.
  • Some rulebooks declare it an ethical obligation of a player to point out any error in the awarding of a pot or the reading of hands shown down.
  • Puerto Ricans were quick to point out that they are born American citizens, and are not immigrants.

  • The court was at pains to point out that it was not passing judgment on the doctrine itself, but only its application to cases involving the Vienna Convention.
  • He is a crossword addict and dislikes grammatical and spelling errors; in every personal or private document that he receives, he manages to point out at least one mistake.
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