Translation for '
to shuffle' from English to Russian
VERB | to shuffle | shuffled | shuffled shuffling | shuffles | |
SYNO | make | shamble | shambling | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- A masked figure shakes five of the cans, then pounds the bar to shuffle them.
- Keeping eight programs running allowed the system to shuffle execution of programs on the CPU depending on what data was available on the memory bus at that time, minimizing "dead time" where the CPU had to wait for data from the memory.
- He was at dinner once with a lady who made a peculiar little noise and then proceeded to shuffle with her feet on the parquet so as to cover the indiscretion with similar sounds.
- Black's spirit has returned to shuffle the cards and hand them out the players, in order for them to discover how he was murdered then puts the three cards representing the game's murderer, room and weapon in a briefcase.
- The Acme of Control is a card trick in which the magician shows two cards, inserts them into the deck, allows the spectator to shuffle the deck, takes the deck back, and is then able to produce the two cards in any way he pleases, such as from his pocket.
- In tournaments, seating is pre-determined and player 1 at each table is the first dealer. To shuffle a new pack, the Sixes are removed, the cards spread over the table, face down, and shuffled by all four players.
- It has been announced that there will be a sequel to "Shuffle!" titled "Shuffle! Episode 2".
- Even if the dealer were to shuffle each roll back into the CSM, the effect of buffering a number of cards in the chute of the CSM provides information about the skew of the next roll.
- One variant has the "dealer" hold up the deck of cards in one hand in a grip similar to the grip one might use to shuffle the cards.
- Green competed at the 1988 FISM convention in The Hague, Netherlands, and was erroneously disqualified because the judges believed he had used stooges in his act to shuffle the cards.
- Because standard shuffling techniques are seen as weak, and in order to avoid "inside jobs" where employees collaborate with gamblers by performing inadequate shuffles, many casinos employ automatic shuffling machines to shuffle the cards before dealing.
- the player whose task it is to shuffle the cards and distribute them to the players.
- Rhine's other subjects were only able to obtain non-chance levels when they were able to shuffle the cards, which has suggested they used tricks to arrange the order of the Zener cards before the experiments started.
- Snobelen's increasingly hostile fight with the unions was the main reason that prompted Harris to shuffle his cabinet at this time.
- Another common scheme is to buy a business with a lower unemployment insurance rate and to shuffle employees to the other business to pay the lower tax rate.
- Often, the magician might criticize the spectator's card-handling abilities, or remind him or her to take the cards out of the case before trying to shuffle them.
- Meanwhile, Jones and Johnson immediately started to shuffle the team's depth chart to find players talented enough to build a winning team.
- A refinement of this technique uses a thesaurus program to shuffle through synonyms, thus making every copy of the document unique.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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