 Translation for 'to squeak' from English to Russian
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VERB   to squeak | squeaked | squeaked
squeaking | squeaks
SYNO close call | close shave | narrow escape | ...
скрипеть [несов.] [о двери, колёсах, сапогах и т. п.]to squeak [of door hinge, wheel, shoe etc.]
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
  • Its firm texture when cooked causes it to squeak on the teeth when being chewed.
  • Wood floors, particularly older ones, will tend to 'squeak' in certain places.
  • Norris was equally brilliant, but the Jays managed to squeak out a run in the bottom of the 11th to earn Jefferson the win.
  • Croquet's relationship to Squeak gives Croquet the property of a purely object-oriented system allowing for significant flexibility in the design and the nature of the protocols and architectures that have been developed for the system.
  • Ernie says his Rubber Duckie wants to say something, and everyone lets him because the duckie deserves to squeak.

  • Some hinges are designed not to squeak.
  • The structure is Scratch to Etoys to Squeak to any Smalltalk.
  • In 1531 he was one of the twenty-four couplers, chosen to squeak those eligible for the various magistrates.
  • The Nebraska defense saw their string of touchdown-prevention quarters ended at 8 when Oklahoma State managed to squeak in a touchdown in the 3rd quarter, but that was all that would be heard from the Cowboys on this day since they were held to -13 ground yards compared to the 430 ground yards posted by the Cornhuskers.
  • Renezeder would ultimately prevail by a wide margin in Pro 4, but MacCachren was able to squeak out a title in Pro 2.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!