 Translation for 'trepanning' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a trepanning | trepannings
VERB   to trepan | trepanned / trepaned | trepanned / trepaned
trepanning / trepaning | trepans
трепанация {ж}
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Translation for 'trepanning' from English to Russian

трепанация {ж}мед.
Usage Examples English
  • The first known trepanning operation was carried out c. 5000 BCE in Ensisheim, France. A possible amputation was carried out c. 4,900 BCE in Buthiers-Bulancourt, France.
  • He underwent two trepanning surgeries, but did not regain consciousness and died on 10 October 2014.
  • During the Middle Ages, those with auditory hallucinations were sometimes subjected to trepanning or trial as a witch.
  • One of the most prominent advocates of trepanning was Dutch librarian Bart Huges.
  • Cutting with a hole saw is analogous to some machining operations, called "trepanning" in the trade, that swing a cutter analogous to a fly cutter in order to achieve a similar result of annular kerf and intact core.

  • One example might be attaching thin sheet metal to a wooden faceplate using wood screws, allowing the trepanning of holes, with the tool cutting into the sacrificial faceplate material.
  • Grooving can be performed on internal and external surfaces, as well as on the face of the part (face grooving or trepanning).
  • Egon once tried to drill a hole in his own head (a process known as trepanning), which he says "would have worked" if Peter had not stopped him.
  • The name Trepaneringsritualen is a reference to the surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull known as "trepanning".
  • Also the name for the surgery changed from trepanning to craniotomy.

  • Some skulls also bear evidence of trepanning, a kind of early brain surgery to relieve internal pressure or remove damaged skull matter suffered in battle.
  • With his student Émile Roux, Pasteur developed an intracranial inoculation, by trepanning the skull of a dog.
  • Some of the human skulls found here had trepanning (bored hole) marks.
  • When the fracture was elevated and the haematoma drained by trepanning the skull, the boy ‘immediately recovered his senses’ but after some days the ‘stupor’ returned, indicating that 'some matter was lodged under the meninges’.
  • For instance, Nariman Narimanov found a human skull dated from the 4th millennium BC (Eneolithic) with traces of trepanning on it in Erefli village of Agdam Rayon.

  • "Savage Stone Age:" "Historical Hospital": Tattoo and trepanning treatments. Caveman Art Show: Preserving the head of a dead relative.
  • Alford designed underwater steel-cutting charges which he used for chain cutting, plate perforating (using his new trepanning charges) and well-head severing operations in the North Sea for the petroleum industry.
  • Rupert's health during this period was also less robust; his head wound from his employment in France required a painful trepanning treatment, his leg wound continued to hurt and he still suffered from the malaria he had caught while in the Gambia.
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