 Translation for 'twenty two' from English to Russian
двадцать дваtwenty-two
Partial Matches
двадцать одинtwenty-one
двадцать шестьtwenty-six
двадцать семьtwenty-seven
двадцать восемьtwenty-eight
двадцать девятьtwenty-nine
двадцать пятьtwenty-five
двадцать четыреtwenty-four
двадцать триtwenty-three
шестьдесят дваsixty-two
восемьдесят дваeighty-two
девяносто дваninety-two
семьдесят дваseventy-two
пятьдесят дваfifty-two
сорок дваforty-two
тридцать дваthirty-two
две тысячиtwo thousand
двестиtwo hundred
двухэтажный {adj}
two-storied [Am.]
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Twenty-two months earlier, East Germany had erected the Berlin Wall to prevent mass emigration to West Berlin.
  • Twenty-two political parties had representatives elected to the Legislative Council in the 2016 election.
  • In 2012, twenty-two states used the "Daubert" test when analyzing their own expert witness rules.
  • On January 25, 1614, a delegation led by samurai Hasekura Tsunenaga, which included over one hundred Japanese Christians as well as twenty-two samurai under the shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu, arrived from Japan to Acapulco as part of a mission to form closer relations with Catholic Europe.
  • This guide included twenty-two diagnoses. It would be revised several times by the Association and its successor, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and by the tenth edition in 1942, was titled "Statistical Manual for the Use of Hospitals of Mental Diseases".

  • On April 22, 2002, on the special issue of "Asian Hero" in "Time" magazine, Doraemon was the only anime character to be named one of the twenty-two Asian Heroes, and was described as "The Cuddliest Hero in Asia".
  • Cornwall is the landing point for twenty-two of the world's fastest high-speed undersea and transatlantic fibre optic cables, making Cornwall an important hub within Europe's Internet infrastructure.
  • As of 2022, the Yankees have played in and won the most division series, with thirteen wins in twenty-two appearances.
  • A Botswana High Court decision of 11 June of that year struck down provisions in the Criminal Code that punished "carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature" and "acts of gross indecency", making Botswana one of twenty-two African countries that have either decriminalised or legalised homosexual acts.
  • He died at Civita Castellana on 30 August 1181. It was one week short of twenty-two years since his election, the longest papacy since Adrian I in the 8th century.

  • Since the formation of the league in 1917, they have 25 NHL championships (three between 1917 and 1925 when the Stanley Cup was still contested in an interleague competition, twenty-two since 1926 after the Stanley Cup became the NHL's championship trophy).
  • The Council of Europe also decided to issue reports naming tax havens. Twenty-two territories, including Monaco, were thus evaluated between 1998 and 2000 on a first round.
  • This method is radically different from the Pythagorean (as well as both the ancient Greek and Hebrew systems) as letters are assigned values based on equating Latin letters with letters of the Hebrew alphabet in accordance with sound equivalents (then number associations being derived via its gematria) rather than applying the ancient system of place-value used by the Hebrew and Greek gematria (although 'place-value' is almost universally interpreted in the ancient world according to units, tens and hundreds, which nonetheless have the same digital root as place value); in consequence of this there are several slightly different versions, there being disagreements over some of the letter-sound equivalents (it doesn't help matters that the Hebrew alphabet has only twenty-two letters whilst the modern English alphabet has twenty-six).
© Russian-English dictionary 2024
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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