 Translation for 'up to date' from English to Russian
новейший {adj}up to date
актуальный {adj}up-to-date [attr.]
последний {adj} [актуальный]up-to-date [attr.]
современный {adj} [соответствующий современным требованиям]up-to-date [attr.] [modern]
4 Words
быть в курсе (дела) [обладать последней информацией] [несов.]to be up to date [person]
Partial Matches
относиться с уважением / почтением к кому-л.to look up to sb.
подступить [сов.] к кому-л./чему-л.to come up to sb./sth.
подступать [несов.] к кому-л./чему-л.to come up to sb./sth.
срок {м} платежаdue date
встреча {ж} [свидание]date [meeting]
срок {м} исполнения обязательстваdue date
срок {ж} храненияexpiry date
дата {ж} истечения срокаexpiry date
срок {м} годностиexpiry date
срок {м} возврата [долгов и т.п.]
date due
историческая дата {ж}historic date
срок {м} годностиuse-by date
свидание {с} [любовное]date [romantic appointment]
срок {м} годностиsell-by date [Br.]
дата {ж}date [indication of time]
указывать точную дату [несов.]to name the exact date
дата {ж} рожденияdate of birth <DOB, d.o.b.>
наверх {adv}up
разбег {м}
составлять [несов.]to make up
25 translations
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Translation for 'up to date' from English to Russian

up to date
новейший {adj}
up-to-date [attr.]
актуальный {adj}

последний {adj} [актуальный]
up-to-date [attr.] [modern]
современный {adj} [соответствующий современным требованиям]

to be up to date [person]
быть в курсе (дела) [обладать последней информацией] [несов.]

to look up to sb.
относиться с уважением / почтением к кому-л.
to come up to sb./ sth.
подступить [сов.] к кому-л./ чему-л.

подступать [несов.] к кому-л./ чему-л.
due date
срок {м} платежа

срок {м} исполнения обязательства
date [meeting]
встреча {ж} [свидание]
expiry date
срок {ж} хранения

дата {ж} истечения срока

срок {м} годности
date due
срок {м} возврата [долгов и т.п.]фин.
historic date
историческая дата {ж}
use-by date
срок {м} годности
date [romantic appointment]
свидание {с} [любовное]
sell-by date [Br.]
срок {м} годности
date [indication of time]
дата {ж}
to name the exact date
указывать точную дату [несов.]
date of birth <DOB, d.o.b.>
дата {ж} рождения
наверх {adv}
разбег {м}спорт
to make up
составлять [несов.]
Usage Examples English
  • The lack of an up-to-date census means that there are various estimates of the population.
  • Luce, in "Sense without Matter" (1954), attempts to bring Berkeley up to date by modernizing his vocabulary and putting the issues he faced in modern terms, and treats the Biblical account of matter and the psychology of perception and nature.
  • In a report of 22 July 2019, PeaceNow notes that after a gap of 6 years when there were no new outposts, establishment of new outposts recommenced in 2012, with 32 of the current 126 outposts set up to date.
  • They kept their machines up to date, and had many factories and mills, for example Beaver Falls Cutlery Company which they purchased in 1867.
  • These services along with an up-to-date programme guide for GBC television and radio, can be found on the website.

  • Since the name "Göteborg" contains the Swedish letter "ö", they planned to make the name more "international" and "up to date" by turning the "ö" sideways.
  • The most up-to-date catalogue is maintained by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute at its Internet Chopin Information Centre.
  • Developers trust that the maintainers of the libraries will keep them secure and up to date, but that is not always the case.
  • This reduces inventory storage and increases delivery efficiency, and requires up-to-date data.
  • A new release occurs after a freeze, when all important software is reasonably up-to-date in the "Testing" branch and any other significant issues are solved.

  • Solicitors must be careful when looking at older cases when quantifying a claim to ensure that the award is brought up to date and to take into account the court of appeal case in Heil v Rankin Generally speaking the greater the injury the greater the damages awarded.
  • Along with the dentist's professional skill and expertise, EBD allows dentists to stay up to date on the latest procedures and patients to receive improved treatment.
  • Techniques in the production of a building are continually advancing which places a demand on the architect to ensure that he or she remains up to date with these advances.
  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware software are helpful, but must be kept up-to-date with new pattern files at least every few days. The use of a firewall is also recommended.
  • It has also been noted that Wellington's maps of the battlefield were based on a recent reconnaissance and therefore more up to date than those used by Napoleon, who had to rely on Ferraris-Capitaine maps of 1794.

  • The HVAC system should be up to date and functioning efficiently.
  • ACM Conferences page has an up-to-date complete list while a partial list is shown below.
  • According to Possehl it is attested at 84 sites up to date.
  • K-Meleon 74 can access secure websites on Windows 2000 using an older version of the Goanna engine combined with up-to-date ciphers.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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