 Translation for 'uranium hexafluoride' from English to Russian
гексафторид {м} урана [UF6]
uranium hexafluoride <hex>
шестифтористый уран {м} [UF6]
uranium hexafluoride <hex>
Partial Matches
гексафторид {м} платины [PtF6]
platinum hexafluoride
гексафторид {м} теллура [TeF6]
tellurium hexafluoride
обогащение {с} урана
uranium enrichment
тетрафторид {м} урана [UF4]
uranium tetrafluoride
уран {м} <U>
uranium <U>
ураний {м} <U> [устр.]
uranium <U>
фторид {м} урана(IV) [UF4]
uranium(IV) fluoride
9 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • east of Gore to convert uranium ore into uranium hexafluoride (UF6).
  • Metropolis is also the site of the Honeywell Uranium Hexafluoride Processing Facility, which converts milled uranium into uranium hexafluoride for nuclear reactors.
  • However, there are enormous problems with corrosion during this arrangement, as the uranium hexafluoride is chemically very reactive.
  • Depleted uranium was originally stored as an unusable waste product (uranium hexafluoride) in the hope that improved enrichment processes could extract additional quantities of the fissionable U-235 isotope.
  • These used uranium hexafluoride gas as the process fluid.

  • The gas centrifuge process, where gaseous uranium hexafluoride (...) is separated by the difference in molecular weight between 235UF6 and 238UF6 using high-speed centrifuges, is the cheapest and leading enrichment process.
  • On 10 April, Iran began injecting uranium hexafluoride gas into advanced IR-6 and IR-5 centrifuges at Natanz, but on the next day, an accident occurred in the electricity distribution network.
  • Other inorganic fluorides prepared from hydrofluoric acid include sodium fluoride and uranium hexafluoride.
  • Centrifugation is also the most common method used for uranium enrichment, relying on the slight mass difference between atoms of U-238 and U-235 in uranium hexafluoride gas.
  • The separation of uranium requires the material in a gaseous form; uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is used for uranium enrichment.

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