NOUN | uranium tetrafluoride | - | |
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Usage Examples English
- Once reduced again to uranium tetrafluoride, a solid, it can be mixed into the core salt medium to fission.
- It can be achieved by mixing any of the uranium halides (commonly uranium tetrafluoride) with magnesium metal powder or aluminium metal powder.
- The Green Salt Plant, the common name for Plant 4, produced "green salt" (uranium tetrafluoride) from UO3.
- The Green Salt Project derives its name from uranium tetrafluoride, also known as green salt, an intermediate product in the conversion of uranium ore into uranium hexafluoride — a toxic gas that can undergo enrichment or purification into fuel for nuclear reactors or bombs.
- and uranium tetrafluoride (...), which are important in molten salt reactor applications, and uranium dioxide (...), a common form of nuclear fuel.
- The compound can be produced by any one of three primary chemical conversion processes, involving either uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) or uranyl fluoride (UO2F2) as intermediates.
- Early thermal spectrum concepts and many current ones rely on uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) or thorium tetrafluoride (ThF4), dissolved in molten fluoride salt.
- The fuel would be about 20% enriched uranium tetrafluoride and thorium tetrafluoride.
- The other Western conversion facilities, Areva and Cameco, each utilize a process that requires two different facilities, one to convert yellowcake to either uranium tetrafluoride or uranium trioxide and another to convert to uranium hexafluoride.
- Reduction with hydrogen gives UO2, which is converted with hydrofluoric acid (HF) to uranium tetrafluoride, UF4.
- It would be used for converting depleted uranium hexafluoride to depleted uranium tetrafluoride.
- Sometimes uranium tetrafluoride is required due to its chemical stability; the propellant is usually hydrogen.
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